Why does bullfighting make white people so upset?

Why does bullfighting make white people so upset?

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>cattle empathise with cattle

wow amazing

Mainly because the bull doesn't win often enough

seems cruel, however, the bull is given a chance to get revenge on his tormentors, so it is actually more humane that killing them in a slaughterhouse.

does your country have traditional bull fights?

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This. If we saw more dead shitskins it would be entertaining

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>the bull is given a chance to get revenge on his tormentors,
Bullshit. The bull has no chance.

You faggots act like you're fighting a bull.
You're not.
You do some behind the scenes fuckery to weaken the bull, virtually ensuring human victory.
If you got rid of the handicaps I wouldn't have any problem with it.
Until you do that, bull"fighting" is only slightly more dangerous than those monkey torture videos.
You're just slowly killing a defenseless animal.


because you always kill the bull at the end.
let it win and keep fighting like they used too in the old days

Represents jewish manipulation tactics.

It's like showing off how powerful you are when you hinder the opponent to the point of ensuring your victory.

Meh it's a pathetic act of pointless cruelty, also weaking the bull before makes it even more stupid

Nigger detected. If I could I would put you as a play thing into a collosseum.

Kind of mean just to fuck with an animal

Cry me...
Cry me a river...
Cry me...
Cry me a river you faggot...

very nice pic bro

Not enough genuine problems so they had to make some out of thin air.

>Why does bullfighting make white people so upset
It makes loud, entitled, libs upset. You know what 99% of white people don't think about? Take a guess.

I liked bullfighting and bulls being released in villages with podiums all around
its a nice throwback to the savage nature of us and gets you a great pause from globohomo and city environments

that's because you feel more bad for the enslaved cow than for the farmer and his family.

are you maybe an enslaved cow, or maybe feeling a bit like one? talk to me about it, I'm a human I can listen.

What bts fuckery? Myths aside.
Bulls roam free for their lifetime, the slightest alteration of that is frowned upon in the bullfighting scene.
It is undoubtedly dangerous, we're talking about a 600lbs beast.
But yes, it is expected for the bullfighter to survive, no shit

>The bull has no chance
Other than being about one ton and having razor sharp horns
While the guy has a blanket and a sword

>humans and their "empathy" and "compassion" confuse me
That empathy and compassion is why we allowed you to live. You are working very hard to change our minds.

>we're talking about a 600lbs beast.
And this dumb nigger pretends he knows about bullfighting.

Bullfighters get gored all the time.

I fail to see any issue with it.

Because it's not fighting at all and the bull is fucked by default.

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Who cares we drill animals in the forest with a rifle all the time. I imagine they eat the bull after?

That's not the point, the whole circus is about slowly killing the fucker until he bleeds out in pain, it's not a clean kill but a slow one.

BTW wtf happened here


the right parties voted to ban bullfighting and the socialists to keep bullfighting?

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