Why do smart people prefer nuclear energy over muh renewables?

Why do smart people prefer nuclear energy over muh renewables?

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>smart people prefer nuclear over renewables
Congratulations, you just answered your own question.

no carbon emission

Your average consumer moron never accounts for cost of manufacturing, maintenance and grid input. They have a deficient understanding of logistics.
This process wastes resources, energy and pollutes as well, and should fully be part of the equation.
Nuclear is simply one of the most efficient methods when it comes to that.
Best bang for your buck = greener and more profitable.

Might just be people who think they are smart but don't actually understand the modern state nuclear industry

Georgia nuclear plant's cost now forecast to top $30 billion | AP News - apnews.com/article/business-environment-united-states-georgia-atlanta-7555f8d73c46f0e5513c15d391409aa3

2200 MW, 30 billion dollars, something like 40% of nuclear fuel comes from Russia

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Solar and Wind is cheaper than nuclear.

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>Why do smart people prefer nuclear energy over muh renewables?

Have you stopped beating your wife?

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based retard

It doesn't take much to understand that "green" energy is a massive fucking meme right now and nuclear is the cleanest option we have until other forms of power generation are developed enough to actually mean shit.

The sad part is you still have people unironically believing that condensation towers are smoke stacks or that power plants are constantly in danger of blowing up just because soviets let theirs burn down and wouldn't even tell anyone.

How is nuclear non-renewable?

Because dumb people are easily manipulated.

Kazakhstan but yes its pretty much russia now.

How is nuclear non-renewable or do you mean replacing the Uranium/Thorium core once every 750 million years?

It costs 30 billion because every corrupt politician has hired all their friends to build it and probably started a few new companies themselves to divert as much money as possible into their own pockets.
BER was planned for 15 years, needed 14 years for construction, cost 8 billion € and it's a steaming pile of shit.

>believing that condensation towers are smoke stacks
If only they knew…

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>Mine yellow cake
>Conventional reactor
>Uranium eventually degrades into Thorium/Uranium mixture.
>Thorium salt reactor
That's easily a century of renewable energy.

yes they're cheaper and safer but they require tons of land that are in specific places that can receive tons of sunlight / is windy and away from living spaces. But honestly that's also the case with nuclear

as a fisherman & hunter.. i fucking hate hydropower and wind turbines

They need places to dumb the waste which I assume wouldn't take that much space. Maybe just a facility hole in the ground.

The hot water they need to pump out can really fuck up and ecosystem tho.
So maybe counter that out with a secondary water treatment plant that cools the water to the right temperature.

Finally nogs working there will cause a meltdown so please for the love of God, no diversity hires.

>that pic
Heartiest chuckle i've had all day.

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>something like 40% of nuclear fuel comes from Russia
You can thank Hillary for that deal. We have all the materials here, cheap, but the Uranium One deal is why we're so crippled.

The majority of the cost and time is red tape, corruption, and interference. Nothing to do with the materials, the labor, or the fuel

The condesnation towers are just steam but the coal does get burnt and there are smoke towers too, no?

Calling them Renewables is a misnomer because they're anything but renewable. The cost to manufacture and upkeep them is massive and the amount of materials is enormous if they were ever used as a primary source of energy. Modern nuclear reactors are extremely powerful, efficient and safe.

Because nuclear is power.

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yes but we aren't talking about coal here
I don't think anyone says coal is a good solution to coal/gas/oil being too dirty