Why are right wingers scared of Dark Brandon? All the right wing grift circuit was saying how scary the speech was...

Why are right wingers scared of Dark Brandon? All the right wing grift circuit was saying how scary the speech was. That Brandon was like Hitler or Mussolini. Aren't right wingers meant to be rootin' tootin' shootin' bad asses that own guns and will fight the big government?

Attached: Glasser-Biden-Address.jpg (1706x1707, 186.92K)

>scared of Dark Brandon
The only thing scared of joe pedo is his diaper.

Because Biden has an actual economic platform, while rightoid have muh vaxx, muh stolen election, muh kikestainity nonsense

That's normalfags. As an accelerationist, i absolutely loved it.

>all the right wing grift circuit was saying how scary the speech was
exactly. you answered it. only the ones who listen to the grift circuit are afraid of:
>"c'mon man, democracy.. they think they are better than democracy.."
joe is generally a tranquil albeit corrupt and incompetent leader. grifters want the right wing boomers to focus on how hitlery he is so that more will vote against him and/or the glowgrifters want an uproar to turn the rightwing into a reverse-antifa who knocks over trash bins in order for cnn to portray the righwing being as untrustworthy as the left.

What in this speech helped accelerationism? Did you even watch it? He talked about policy wins and rightfully identified that a portion of republicans are literal trump cultists who live detached from reality.

I welcome his escalation of rhetoric because no one actually likes him and it radicalizes more people to the right and further intensifies those already there

it's like niggers being violent, really it only serves the interest of ethnonationalism at this current point in time

I love Brandon even more after that speech. He’s a great leader

Nobody except trumptards thought it was a bad speech. He's absolutely right that trumptards lie about the stolen election and lie everytime they lose.

>and purposefully identified a portion of republicans that are literal trump cultists who live detached from reality thanks to the wild scenarios fueled by the left since 2016
fixed. you were correct but not accurate.

all of it, making strong us vs them stances, demonizing huge groups of people, it was highly accelerationist in that accelerationism seeks to provoke violent resolution and give fence sitters no choice but to pick a side, and with the way the progressive arguments are structured white people are effectively forced into rightism and ethnic self defense, since the alternative, at best, is being taken advantage of and disrespected constantly as a matter of normalcy

Attached: memed-io-output (1).jpg (790x451, 138.02K)

:^) yep. it worked. everyone peed themselves and turned their guns in.

ywnbaw, troon

ok bro you can say things but it doesn't make them true kek, even mainstream media outlets are reporting that the speech was frightening even to some leftists in the intensification of rhetoric, your dumb ass would not know that though because you're a self hating albionic leftist or imported savage and you aren't really exposed to american culture undiluted

sadly, he is now a woman and I turned in all my guns. how did it go so wrong, fellow CHUD?

Scared? He just a aggravator. The left complained about having a decent, compassionate, normal human being president. But we end up with him and he get worse by the day. The only thing to be afraid of is to strive this mess.

>even mainstream media outlets are reporting that the speech was frightening
this is proof that it was not frightening

This is bait right?
Nobody is outright afraid of Biden, beyond the fear of if we will fall lower than we thought we would fall.
People fear is handlers, aka the people who put him into power.

Meanwhile you got a cucked leader, and a cucked king.
You will lucky to even be able to post to Americans within 10 years considering how fucked the UK is.

it was very red.

There you go, using words you don't understand the definition again.

why was it so red?

The modern American left is the greatest threat to human civilization that has ever existed, "dark brandon" is merely the senile old puppet they use to focus your anger or adoration on. This is more serious than anyone want's to acknowledge, the means exist now to enslave the entire human race and (they) know it better than anyone. It's also the republican party, but there are a few still, maybe, that aren't just useful tools of the psychopaths that actually wield power over the people.

Probably playing into the Dark Brandon meme. Rumours say he personally finds it funny and it's popular with young people on the internet.

The democratic party wouldn't be considered left wing in any developed country outside the US.