Why did he declare on Russia while still at war with Britain?

Why did he declare on Russia while still at war with Britain?

Why did he declare war on America while still at war with Russia and Britain?

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the japanese fucked him bc they couldn't stop salivating over America

to get dem oils that make the big tanks go vroom

He was a faggot and a kike

Some Kraut user told me Hitler likely didn't consider weak willed commies much of a threat compared to France.
He also never met Stalin in person.

America was gonna do it anyway our Jews wouldn't even let German Jews leave

They were a bunch of ragtag jew and slavnigger rebels who couldn’t even wreck finland but nobody realized stalin could bring the russian empire out through that

Why did Leo Frank rape and murder a girl in 1913?

Japan had to attack us user. We were giving aid to all of their enemies while claiming to be neutral, and we were going to starve them of all the oil they needed to continue the war. It was a classic case of kicking the dog until it bites you, then shooting it. Also anime is for faggots.

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>Why did he sabotaged Dunkirk
>Why did he sabotaged Rommel in Egypt
>Why did he delay Barbarossa (and no winter gear)
>Why did he delay Typhoon
>Why did he Split HGM
>Why did he bungled Fall Blau
>Why did he split HGS
>Why did he assault Stalingrad
>Why did he leave the homeland vulnerable to strategic bombing
Each and every one of these decisions still baffles historians
The answer to all the questions is of course one and the same

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Hitler was a cult leader, not a strategist

Russians would attack him otherwise. Americans were sinking his ships.


Stalin was preparing an offensive. He wanted the west to fight each other then roll in while both were weak and conquer western europe. The Jerry's caught them with their pants down mounting a massive offensive which is how they broke through so quickly.

He was an American puppet?

You should check for Hitler's speech on why he declared war on Russia, basicaly he explained in the speech that the soviet authorities didn't respect their deals with germany and were transporting division after division to the eastern border ( german intelligence also noted that the soviet divisions were being trained to attack, being prepared for invasion), Stalin also constantly was threatening Romania and finland with invasion and asked what the germans would do if they attacked both nations ( Hitler replied to Molotov that if the soviets attacked romania, Germany would defend Romania)..

Hitler literaly saved not only Germany but all of western europe from the red horde, history would be totaly different if hitler avoided the invasion of soviet union, stalin would only stop in the port of Lisbon and NOTHING would hold the endless hordes of communist troops marching in full speed.

Hitler's speech >> bitchute.com/video/wnoAAuZSnEbY/

>American puppet

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As far as USA maybe he thought he could cut off US access to Britain via U-boats. That's my only guess. Other than that it was straight retardation, although maybe America would be wrangled in anyway.

As far as I can tell there was every chance that Russia would have invaded Germany once she was weak enough so it was a pre-emptive war, kind of like the Israeli attack on Egypt . It was risky sure but it may well have paid. I reckon had they gone straight to Moscow in July there's a good chance they win.
Whether it was better to wait for Russia to make the first move I can't say and maybe Russia weren't planning to invade at all we'll never really know for sure. Maybe there's some stuff still locked away in the depths of the Kremlin Archives

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Yes, why?

I already thought about Dunkirk and why he didn't destroy the Anglo-French army for good

Where's the pic from OP? The lighting and the background almost make the pic look weird, like it doesn't look old as fuck. Looks different from most pics from that era.

He was an idiot. He had all those j*ws rounded up in camps and didn't even try to exterminate them. Fuck this clown.

You still mad about it too jap

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