Scotland is based-

Scottishbros..... EXPLAIN! NOW!!

Braveheart duped me because of Mel Gibson.

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you will never be a woman

Makes sense, only kikes have red hair

Proto kikes (phoenicians) have set foot for ages in Scotland. They naturally corrupted the old ways for their convenience and infiltrated and created "royal" lines.

Ive been told

Before they got kicked out in 1291 or whenever the Magna Carta was drafted.

The Magna Carta is widely knkwn as the first ever human rights charter, and it placed specific limitations on jewish predatory behavior.

They were bandits on the road, suspected kidnappers and coin clippers. Scotland wasn't jewish, but my buddy's gonna love this pic.

Just another "we wuz israelites" larp by a european christcucks attempting to claim jewish ancestry. Many such cases.

I've never heard this before. There are some Jews kicking around one of them is a lord who sold some Scottish Island to Uri Geller to form a new micronation. There's some stuff about Greeks coming to Britian and maybe even Britain being founded by Brutus. Who knows? Any Forums always claim the white people of Europe are the Lost Tribes of Israel and there are some claims that Jesus's Uncle and maybe himself came to Glastonbury.
Probably just nonsense

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Jews try to claim literally every race was Jewish

It's true. Tolkien warned us all, but we never listened.

Do you think John Knox looks like a sephardic jew? He was the son of a merchant


human sailed out of the mediterranean for thousand if not million of years

>Scotland: The story of a Nation
"The 'original' Scottish origin myth traced the lineage of the Scoti back to Biblical times: they were descended from an Egyptian princess
named Scota, the daughter of the Pharaoh of the Oppression (Ramses
II, 1304-1237 BC). This enterprising princess left Egypt shortly after
the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. She wandered for 1,200 years in the
deserts of the eastern Mediterranean, before crossing to Sicily and
making her way through the Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar),
through Spain and then across to Ireland. In her baggage she brought
the block of sandstone, weighing 152 kilograms, which was reputed
to have been used as a pillow by Jacob when, according to Genesis
28, he had his celebrated dream about Jacob's Ladder ('I am the Lord
God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon
thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed'). From the east coast of Ireland, Scota beheld her own Promised Land - Scotland - and crossed over to it with Jacob's sacred Stone."

It was a Scottish prick who brought football to your shithole country and your Brazilian ju jitsu is also because a Scottish prick went to your shithole country

All Europeans have wewuzzed about being lost israelites etc because of Christianity and unknown (in middle ages etc) origins of various European peoples. Nothing special

>She wandered for 1,200 years in the
>deserts of the eastern Mediterranean,
>for 1,200 years

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we invented modern banking and you cannot flagpost as a scot
get played goym

I guess this explains the stereotype of the scottish skinflint.

"short arms and deep pockets" is literally a scottish refrain

Metaphors are as old as language and tools, don't get hung up

How many books do you see that fail to put the author's name on the cover?