So, this is the Bri'ish specimen I've been told about?

So, this is the Bri'ish specimen I've been told about?
That's not too bad.

Attached: Brittish m.png (584x502, 301.75K)

kill them all already. disgusting fucking freaks

This is the only chance they have to finally revolt against the stupid ass monarchy and they are acting sad.

God bless America AND NO PLACE ELSE

> God save the K-ACK

I kneel before America.

t. Indian

Attached: image_2022-09-09_001332221.png (419x550, 202.73K)

>american moment

>not a single muzzie or nig in the video

>Not a single darkie in sight

The photo is fake

and americans get made fun of for singing the anthem on airplanes and shit. in no way am I singing for either one but rather my country than some fuckin leeching lizard freak

you think the browns and blacks give a shit about british culture?

nigger hands typed this.

no gibs

>only the Whites came out
Tell me more about the paki "Brits" and nigger "Brits" who were born there and are quintessentially British in heart and mind. Fucking shitskins.

>american moment
people love the monarchy and its existence is an absolute net gain for britain and im just considering the money

sorry, but that's too many white people in one location. sprinkle in a couple thousand niggers with machetes and bomb vests to match my view of what england should look like.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-08 183738.png (783x208, 37.88K)

>on airplanes and shit
Where did this start? I've been flying since I was a toddler. I have never once heard anybody clap or sing the anthem on a plane. The closest things are when I saw a video of that pilot saving the passengers when the landing gear failed by expending fuel and trying to land as softly as possible, and those videos of traveling bands/choirs/orchestras on planes and buses.

>God save the king
It's not a king, it's just a male Kardashian now.

oh also I want everyone to take note of the pedophile emoji in his user name

That is an astute observation. These "quintessentially" british people have no connection to the queen, none to the land, none to the institutions, none to the culture.

He's not the king. Prince Charles is, or should I say King Charles.

it's not harry it's a 73 year old man who's probably going to die next week

I really wish we would be nuked because of faggots like you

>and americans get made fun of for singing the anthem on airplanes and shit
and at the end of movie screenings

>and at the end of movie screenings
I have never once seen this. However, movie theaters which operate on military bases are required to open with the anthem before each screening. It's fair I guess, troops get heavily discounted tickets and advance screenings on Uncle Sam's dime.

You're gonna think I'm joking but I promise you I'm not.
my 4th grade class had to say the pledge of allegiance in english and spanish every morning
and this was back in 2000

mutt moment

Where? How is that possible? In 2000 I was in schools in both Texas and Florida, with tons of Mexicans and Cubans. No spanish. As of late though, Miami has started to default to spanish. A few years back I was visiting there and went to a target for some things, Spanish was the default language. Creepy

Why are white people so disgusting and pathetic?

Cult-like behavior, the Brits deserve their irrelevancy.

I'm genuinely embarrassed for you