What happened to these girls and their support in the west? How can redditors go from crying over propaganda videos of them to demanding they be sold out to please Turkey so that Finland and co join NATO? Do they even remember them?

Attached: image_2022-09-08_163428013.png (600x483, 378.69K)

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Being strong is hard

Attached: 1642320426536.jpg (1200x761, 166.89K)

>What happened to these girls
Worms already completely digested them I think

I rather this than the NAFO bullshit they shit out today

No one cares about "out of fashion" conflicts. People pretend to care about [insert current conflict covered disproportionately by media] for temporary social media clout and then they forget about the very cause they shilled and cried about in less than 2 weeks.

based kurdish mystic trance

they are not even real fighters. they just did photoshoot after american planes bombed whole isis held areas into dust. those dumb inbred commies has no chance against any militia group in middle east. pkk only knows guerilla warfare. this why they had to cry for help when isis were fucking them hard.

Context on this vid please? Are these girls all dead?

>How can redditors go from crying over propaganda videos of them to demanding they be sold out to please Turkey so that Finland and co join NATO?

Where the fuck have you been, redditors are STILL crying over them getting BTFO and demanding that Turkey let Sweden and Finland pass through while shutting up about their security concerns.

It's pretty clear the redditors were calling them terrorists as soon as it became obvious what Turkey wanted. Reddit is a military psyop I think

I've seen them fight though and it wasn't fake

So is it that leftist alliances are always going to be betrayed based on convince because they don't believe in objective morality?

Also how could the Kurds not have seen this coming? Why did they chose to ally with the US instead of Assad knowing this was a real possiblity?

Here is two of them:

Attached: TR PKK LEŞ.jpg (1024x761, 169.14K)

No it wasn't. You couldn't make it more obvious that you haven't seen what redditors were saying if you tried.

Moreso that they rely on "muh popular support" when vast majority of people only care tangentially about things that do not involve them directly, and are generally more preoccupied with virtue signaling to other leftists rather than make real, genuine change by investing themselves in whatever conflict they arbitrarily picked up.
>Why did they chose to ally with the US instead of Assad knowing this was a real possiblity?
Allying with Assad would've put him directly at odds with Turkey (Syria endorsing militant Kurdish anti-Turkey organizations), and would've been a terrible play geopolitically. Also he would have to yield to their demands for independence, which he showed no intention of ever doing -- as that would've been a definite sign of weakness.

Show flag retard, no flag no opinon.


Whatever dude. The day the turks made the demands all the top comments in world news were about how the Turks had the right because the kurds are terrorists blah blah

>How can redditors go from crying over propaganda videos of them to demanding they be sold out to please Turkey

Nuke the west. There’s nothing left worth saving.

>Also he would have to yield to their demands for independence
So then the Kurds would have to radically change their goals and reduce it from autonomy to being a syrian province with special rights, and I think they could have worked out a deal with the Turks if they disarmed and let the Syrian Army take over.
Perhaps that wasn't poltiically possible for them, especially with the USA funding and weapons and troops being offered? Sort like, no way schizo, take your meds, le USA would never leave us

>would've put him directly at odds with Turkey
They've been at direct odds with each other, the Turks prop up Idlib terrorist