I am racist, but

I met a young nigerian family that recently moved into my neighborhood and they are unironically based as fuck. I understand that this family is what I like to call "magical niggers", so rare they almost do not exist. However, they are such a cool family and I can guarantee that even the most racist people on this board would have a hard time hating them.

What do?

Attached: the goyim know crow poster 101.jpg (1944x1134, 448.76K)

I have met many hundreds of niggers,
amongst those disgusting masses,
I met two black men.
still, remember:
"Around blacks, never relax."

Death to kikes

Were you planning on killing them or something? Lol idk leave them alone.
But you better not breed with any of them.

Actual Africans tend to be more based than American niggers.

I've worked with Nigerians, they were usually pretty cool.
I have no doubts there's some scum there (as with any country) but they were cool.

I would never kill anyone, I am just having a hard time remaining racist around them. If I alter my behavior around them I would de facto be cucking myself to impress "le based" black neighbors.

This is incredibly low-tier bait OP.
If you're not going to bother trying, then neither am I.

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Please explain how you behave around blacks usually.

Just remember that 2nd generation immigrants are the worst.

This family is truly something else, their children all speak multiple languages, and play multiple instruments. I guess this is what I would call the pinnacle of black excellence(if such a thing exists), it kind of gives me hope that maybe blacks can evolve into something worth not despising. I do understand that they are an outlier, you can tell by talking to them that they are high IQ. They despise thug culture, they hate american niggers, they literally call them niggers. They even seem to respect white people, it is a total mind fuck. I have never met a black family like this in my entire life.

African Americans are the decendents of the laziest stupidest niggers that Africa had to offer. That's why other Africans captured them and sold them as slaves.

No, you fucking moron. Treat everyone with the respect and dignity you wish to be treated with by default (up until the point they pose a threat, and then scorch the earth). Yes, this means niggers too, and dogs and slugs and trees. Alter your behavior as necessary to survive and thrive. Your strict adherence to "black, cant be nice" bullshit is just as bad as communists saying its ok to suck shit out of another man's ass. They're not processing their environment and applying universal truths, they're regurgitating a brainwashed reflex on the world no matter how it presents itself.

Be kind to your neighbors, for they deserve it. Don't relax. Don't fall in fucking love. Just be nice. There's a reason when you do something nice for someone that they say "mighty white of you."

I have known several African people that were like this.

You should get off /pol more

Racism is cringe. Being logical isn’t. Just think for yourself.

>What do?
black dude looked out for me at work and moved schedules around for me so I can get the day off I needed. Super cool guy but its the only time a Nig has given instead of taken from me.

Didn't you open a thread yesterday about your experiences about being a gay bottom that only fuck blacks?

Yes it was you


>Two months later
>OP given life sentence for defending his daughter from his nigger rapist neighbors
Only a matter of time

I am also one but still give people the benefit of the doubt regardless and have met many cool people who aren't white. For some reason they're all racist lmao.

Huge difference between black people and niggers.

Suck their BBCs obviously

I remember when Any Forums and Any Forums discovered african twitter
>I'll remember you when you become a hashtag

Whether you love or hate them doesn't matter since you're nobody, like everyone here. I'll keep being a nuisance and sabotage the lives of crackers as much as I can in my day to day life whether they hate me or love me. Because your opinion doesn't matter to us and as a group, we want you dead.

So even if 99.9% of all my experiences with niggers is negative I should not alter my perception or survival instincts to accommodate this data?

You are the reason the west is collapsing user...

Average blacks are okay, the real problem are kikes and criminals ( who can be or not black skinned)..

Whether or not a nigger is based or agreeable is immaterial to the question of whether or not he belongs in your neighborhood.

Attached: munching niggers.jpg (600x377, 71.44K)

Fucking where? I've never meet a nigger. Some central American monkey?

Nigerians are generally cool. I had a Nigerian uber driver a couple weeks ago who also worked security at a casino and he was basically saying how he feels more kinship with American white people because American blacks are all lazy violent niggers

I've lived in the "first world"

Death to kikes

Africans from Africa can be pretty solid. Especially if they come from the middle class of their home nations. But, in large, niggers are trash, because the ones with means and can behave typically stay where they are. Maybe they understand they are medium fish in a small pond over there and here they'd be medium fish in the ocean.