Why am I supposed to mourn Liz?

During her reign, London went from 95% native British to 40% native British. Not once did she even comment on it

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The world is full
Of kings and queens
Who blind your eyes
And steal your dreams

> Not once did she even comment on it
Because she would be called racist and kicked out
English people are the real problem

because nonwhites and trans people are celebrating her death. you're not either of those, right?

>Because she would be called racist and kicked out
We're suppose to buy that load of garbage?

>her reign
smelly retarded swarthy mutt doesn't know that the queen had 0 political power

Hence why I said “comment on it”. You’re telling me if she came out in support of Enoch Powell before it all went shit it wouldn’t have made a difference?

Have sex you fucking incel loser. Notice that most of the posters celebrating her death are either memeflags or slavshit/vatniks.
The Queen had no power over these issues. We should remember her for what she represents. English heritage, English values, and the English nations. Yes, England has had some problems in recent years, but that's due to globalists and the leftists like Jeremy Corbyn, not the royal family.
Fuck all the niggers, the chinks, the kremlin shills hating on the Queen. Every single one of you is going to get the rope.
Fuck niggers.
Fuck Russia.
Fuck China.
I know this board is filled with Chink shills and Russian shills. Fuck all of you guys.
England and America are #1, forever.

The English people don't support that, but the scheming merchants that rule them do and those are the only people the Queen has any access to.

The Jew/glownigger cabal has blackmail on all nobility, a media system which can destroy empires, and agents which can kill any person on earth and get away with it. That old bitch was a puppet, she couldn't do shit.

I dont think it was her fault. She was a puppet herself. Probably hates niggers and pajeets more than us


Maybe now, but before 50 years of globohomo propaganda, cutting immigration was immensely popular, even when delivered in vulgar terms. See the popularity of the Rivers of Blood speech in 68

>cutting immigration was immensely popular

It still is. Just like in the USA the only base of support for mass immigration is (((elites,))) shitskin triumphalists, and a small core of leftoids.

You sound like an incel and a retard, and you don't actually understand what made the US and UK so great in the first place. Obviously, excessive immigration is generally bad, in in moderation multiculturalism and immigration is a great thing because
(1) it stimulates economic growth, and
(2) it gives individuals the personal freedom to move around the world as they please. Allowing free flow of people in and out of there boarders is part of what made the US and UK so prosperous and powerful in the first place. Obviously I don't support 3rd world shitskins, but freedom and lax regulations (including on stuff like borders) is exactly whatt made the US and UK so great, and that's why we're more wealthy and powerful than shithole countries like Russia and China that keep their borders closed to the rest of the world, and keep their people cut off from the latest ideas and news and scientific and cultural developments.

Sure, the Queen represents English heritage, but so does the fucking Churchill statue in London. How about maintaining it? There have been tons of British nationalists with real power over the years whose prospects she could’ve boosted by supporting.

Lolbertarian spotted. And for the record, it isn’t other Europeans who are flooding England’s borders

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Most germans support immigration
We even learn in school that we need more immigration because if our demographics, otherwise the system breaks and we get no pension

>Maybe now, but before 50 years of globohomo propaganda, cutting immigration was immensely popular, even when delivered in vulgar terms

people have been conditioned to believe that such policy is evil and causes needless suffering. this, and for lacking any sort of philosophical foundation, the average person has severely confused morals. not that i think there's anything wrong with immigration per se, but nor is there anything wrong with disallowing or restricting immigration in and of itself. that should be the prerogative of any given tribe, no?

I’m not celebrating only because Charles is a pedo psychopath who said he wants to cut the population by 90%. Start with yourself and your inbred family fucking kikes.

i hope you can appreciate that some things are more important than economic growth.

the US achieved prosperity because it resisted attempts by the bank of england, or more specifically its shareholders, to dominate the economy.