Normies are fucking gay

All week all I've been hearing from my co-workers is about how good this show is.

How can I redpill them into hating it?

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just show them the 39% audience score on rotten tomatoes and call them retarded. normies are steered by shame and consensus

You cant.

Normies will glug down any goyslop thats shoved infront of them.

just critique in a way that makes them feel stupid for watching it

Does this work lol

Why do you care? They’re hopeless npcs. Move on they are a lost cause.

Introduce them to the books, and the expanded world books. Show them the old cartoon movies and the Peter Jackson ones (avoid the Hobbit). Have them really digest what's going on. And then when they go to watch this shit they'll realize just how fucking bad it is.

why are you even asking this, did you pay attention to anything over the last 2 years?

yes. shame and consensus made them take an experimental vaccine that gave them aids. you can get them to do anything with those two things

Just tell them you don't watch superhero movied

I tried that and they just shrug and look at me confused.

I dont know enough about the lore to honestly critique it

Cause I have to be with these people 4 days a week

just don't, when they start talking about it. just smugly nod and look unethusiastic after they stop talking

Tell them "I have no problem with black dwarves but Princess Disa looks so goofy, like the Jar Jar Binks of LotR. I really appreciated how the movies struck a delicate balance between serious and goofy but this new show gets that balance all wrong."

This show wasn't as bad as I though it'd be. Just have to keep an open mind is all.

I don’t believe you. Lol

Lol they wont read the books. They are too long and high reading level.

Have you actually watched it?

Some required outright threats though

>How can I redpill them into hating it?
Why do you care?

They are not a high reading level lol. Maybe compared to reddit

I've watched both episodes last night, yes.

They're not even a high reading level. Like 6th grade or some shit if I remember right. I read that shit in elementary school (granted I didn't fully appreciate them until I was a little older though). And they're only a few hundred pages. Fuck I'm reading the wheel of time right now and these books are near 1k pages each. Fucking lazy stupid sons of bitches.

Reminder that if your only reference is the (((Harvey Weinstein LOTR films))) then you are almost as bad as the people that like the show, and you probably make similar excuses for the (((changes))) Weinstein forced. If you actually want to know what Lord of the Rings is about, read the book.

Why do you fucking care? If you want them to not talk to you about it, tell them you're not watching it because it looks like shit. Don't argue with them and don't explain yourself. Just leave it.

>All week all I've been hearing from my co-workers is about how good this show is.
I'm sure that happened Scholomostein. It was real in your head.

Idk man. The original trilogy was movie magic.

Idk. If you worked a day in your life youd probably hear the same from your shitskin co-workers.

They're done well. They didn't follow the books exactly and you could even make sense of why the changes they did make worked for movies rather than the books (more shock and awe or appeal to a larger audience). Compared to other book to film adaptations where they just cut shit and change it for the worse (Harry Potter was a great example of that).

>look at me confused.
because they are confused, it takes time to process this contradictory information
just keep a steady pressure on

Now you're trying too hard. Make it less obvious.

if they aren't instinctively repulsed by niggers and blackwashing they are beyond repair

>Government steals all of your purchasing power/wealth and gives it to Amazon
>Amazon gives it to niggers who use it to bastardize white media from the previous generation
And you still watch it, and give them a nice big tip for the pleasure.

>Do you know what economic system comes next?
Pods and crickets my friend