What's the difference between a black person and a bucket full of shit?

What's the difference between a black person and a bucket full of shit?

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What is empty and can never be filled?

Idk your mom drinks one and fucks the other?

Id rather have the bucket on my property?

the bucket lmao

The handle

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I don't know.

A bucket full of shit is better fertilizer

The bucket smells better

an outstretched black hand

Why did the jew cross the road?

one wont try to rob/muder/rape you or your family

One can be used to grow crops, the other is a nigger.

i dont know. why?

The wind blew him there.

Kek'd out loud

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Because it was toll free, duh.

Pretty usre that dammed bucket of shit ain't gotta pick your damned cotton you lazy ass monke mayo motherfucker.

It's not gonna whip itself either.

i actually dont get that one

is it just because its a happenstance
a force of nature
the jew doesn't have to explain anything? i think that's the joke and it's pretty funny but it took me a lot of work

Maybe answering this will help. How do you fit 100 jews in a car?

In the ashtray.

that one is old
a jew even did that joke in a movie
jon lovitz

What’s the difference between a white person and bird shit?
One already landed

What a fat fucking pig.


Hey, that hurt my feelings.