Daily reminder Flat Earth is a Jewish psyop

Used to poison the well and discredit all "conspiracy theorists" as anti-scientific irrational low education nut jobs.
Picrel is a very simple device used to compensate the rotation of the Earth depending on which latitude you are on the rotating sphere, the same kind of method can be used for solar panels. I can hear flat earthers remaining neurons liquifying from here.

Attached: telescope.png (827x882, 586.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/daily reminder only kikes spam flat earth/

haha, great post!
oceans aren't curved however

T. Nasa's photoshop wagie

It's 80% this and 20% retards like this who doesn't know any better or does it for le epic meme sense of belonging.

Seems to me there's a bunch of them who are sicerely retarded, I would say it's 20% 80%.

i don't get it how is this an argument?
the coordinates on a flat plane change against polaris also so what are you even saying?
>equatorial mounts exist!
nobody ever said they didn't..

And see, everyone here with more than 2 neurons can now tell that you are a retard. It's not even worth trying to explain basic geometry to you.

no augment detected
try again

you must have 1 neuron

Ok for the sake of the 12 years old who didn't finish high school yet, here's the explanation : "the Earth rotates around an axis (counter-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the Southern hemisphere). If the mount is aligned along this axis, and if it rotates at the same speed as Earth (about 1 revolution every 24 hours) but in the opposite direction, then the movement of the Earth and that of the equatorial mount cancel each other. In other words, the mount will be able to track the stars, and if you attach a camera to the mount, the stars will appear as fixed to the camera."

If you try this on a flat Earth, you could never get the immobile pictures by using different angles at different latitudes.

Nah i'm still going to believe in it to make the Poolish shill seethe

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/daily reminder only kikes spam flat earth/

It has to be a meme, I mean imagine pissing on the graves of the smartest Europeans just to subscribe to Jewish cosmology...

The simple fact you needed this explanation is only possible if :
- you are 12 years old or less
- you are retarded

By the way, flat Earth is Babylonian/Egyptian cosmology, it's not Biblical cosmology.
People assume it is because they assume Moses copied his texts from Babylonian/Egyptian beliefs.

too far gone truly a shame...

I don't see flat earthers referring to Babylonian/Egyptian texts, I see them referring to the Bible as "proof" of a flat Earth.

Bro it’s ok. They literally don’t have a working map. They can’t even tell you the shape of the land. They see nothing wrong with this. If they can mental gymnastics their way out of even having a working map/day night cycle, they aren’t going to be moved by this.
I don’t even bother anymore. The cia has spent decades researching how to fuck peoples heads. I’m highly doubtful we can undo what they’ve done to these people. Even when I scream in their face about how they can’t tell me how the sun works, they can’t tell me what the land looks like… they call me a fucking shill.

nasa itself drew a chart in AutoCAD with a table, showing the chord depth of curvature over distance. this means you can look in nasas table, and see how much curvature there should be for a given distance. when you test this in real life, the math adds up. you can watch boats recede behind the curvature at the beach, and if you check the port authoritys website to see how far away the boat is, the height missing from the bottom of the boat looks exactly like nasas chart. if the boat is x miles away, you look at nasas chart it says 30 feet curvature. you look through your telescope or binoculars and the bottom 30 feet of the boat is hidden. the earth is round. nasa is not lying.

the problem is when you test this on canals constructed over a true level Datum, and there is no curvature in the water. none. its a conundrum or paradox but it doesnt prove the earth is flat. i honestly wish shit talking nerds would look into this and figure out why its really happening, since tests in all other areas validate nasas chart. it cant be an optical effect if youre measuring from the top of the canal with a depth gauge and the water is flat for miles, and the canal is laser straight for miles, again, having been constructed over a true level datum. if you stopped arguing with dumb flatties and got to the bottom of this everyone would appreciate it. if the curvature is 8 inches of chord depth per mile according to nasa, then a canal 2miles long should have a 16 inch swell in the middle. some do, some dont. lakes are fine, the curvature is there. so what gives with the true level datum canals?

figure out this mystery and you will end flattie bullshit forever

Yes I studied this question, the whole idea is centered on one word "Rakia" which is only used once in the whole Bible (impossible to cross reference the meaning) and secular (((scholars))) have written that since Moses was educated by Egyptians, he must have believed this "rakia" was a solid dome and should be translated as such.

The bible doesn't say earth is flat, the quaran does.

is evolution also in the bible, christcucks?

Attached: 014bacac93c2604a8c3bec7dfbd88df690e1e94f2ae257e15c9f5c12876fda17_3.jpg (576x1024, 76.38K)

No shit. Most conspiracy theories are to make the person who believes them seem like a crazy person when they bring up the jews in the same sentence as moon nazis and white replacement. It's deliberately meant to muddy the waters and keep potentially receptive people from engaging with what's true.

Also, when shooting over large distances in west or east direction, you have to account for the rotation of the Earth, basic stuff.
Or measuring the distance and position of a geostationnary satellite for internet communication. I observed starlink satellites passing over 3 nights in a row.
Never heard of that canal problem before, I would need to test it myself I guess.

>nasa is not lying

Attached: 1649601482280.jpg (1040x772, 359.23K)

No but measurements kind of destroy evolution theory anyway.

Attached: 298748563_5617450511609798_4230912816110952500_n.jpg (914x455, 81.62K)

>Also, when shooting over large distances in west or east direction, you have to account for the rotation of the Earth, basic stuff.
kek retard
you only know muh coriolis from call of duty
sniper/artillery manuals NEVER mention it

> sniper/artillery manuals NEVER mention it
> t. retard

Attached: 500px-Army-coriolis-table.png (500x360, 45.72K)

You’d figure some one would take a picture or selfie at earth’s ends by now.

Point is it doesn't matter because religious texts should not be used as science textbooks, but flat earthers here and elsewhere constantly bring up the Bible and say that the heliocentric model is supposed to turn you away from God, it's retarded.

its something i ran into as a draftsman. most buildings are built "level" but that line is always perpendicular to the earths core. so by the time construction company builds a 1000 foot long warehouse, the building follows the curvature of the earth. if you pull a laser level across the concrete footing of a long building it has a beautiful natural curve. A+ work.

however a building constructed over a true level datum is truly flat and this is the issue. the canals in question are laser perfect, and the water stays flat too. im wondering if its a container effect, seawalls act like a closed vessel and the water flattens out like its in a bowl. someone needs to test under what conditions the water bulges and when it doesnt. it might have huge impact on hydraulic body of knowledge.

post a single piece of evidence we can verify of the ocean being curved

Yes I hear you, that's why I looked it up so I can counter their arguments using the Bible because that's all some of them might want to hear.

Your head is flat faggot

Kek. See what I mean. He’s politely ignoring me calling him out for not having a working map or day/night cycle, but still wants to call someone a retard. Bro needs a mirror



Has this reservoir effect been documented somewhere ?

i asked you to provide evidence of curvature. not to debunk a flat earther. i never said i was a flat earther retard.

That square box around the Earth is not in the original photo

Watch this there's plenty of shots of the Earth below, I've seen flat earthers say there isn't a single photo or video of the ISS being built which is just insanity:

That's a good idea. I don't understand why people insist that God has to be so small that the best he could do is a big snowball with some pretty lights on the ceiling.