Why don’t conservative militias unite into a real army...

Why don’t conservative militias unite into a real army? Some disorganized bands of fighters are going to get crushed by the government.

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cause americans are pussies. even the fucking french are better at riots. time for the tubbies to man up

They don't need to. Independent cells glowtard.

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>Hasn't figured out that churches are the local/regional militias

Because one of the main pillars of conservative/rightoid ethos is toxic-individualism/capitalism, which is against solidarity and cooperation with others.

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conservative militias are the bath houses of the 2020s

Hello fbi
It was already established that pol follows Turner diaries style warfare which is either Lone wolf ambushes or cell of 3 to 10 people of very close friends and family. Large organizations will always get hijacked by some jew, fed or leftist.

The government, state and federal, would arrest and imprison any such group before it could grow large enough to resist effectively. Allowances are made for Antifa and BLM and the like because they benefit the state by attacking civilians.

Yes centralized eggs all in one basket, exactly what made the Afghans such a tremendously great fighting force, amr?

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How would you even plan anything if the organization is going to be that divided?

what made the afghans a tremendously great fighting force was american incompetence and cowardice in battle

If they do that they will either get arrested on the spot or have the inside agents alert outside buddies of theirs to prepare to intercept the attack ya guys would do.

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You're not gonna, rightoids are incapable of achieving anything.

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Cause modern right wingers are cowards, just at look Any Forums and all the glowie replies when someone suggests they should leave their bedroom

More than two things can be true. But Afghanistan was known as a place where empires go to die for two thousand years for a reason

Again according to Turner diaries conservatives will be mass arrested because they refuse to give away guns so feds and white traitors will come for them. Anybody white will be enemy to usa.

The Taliban fighters still reported back to someone higher up in the hierarchy, what you’re suggesting is just everyone for themselves. What happens when different cells have different opinions on how to fight, how to rule, etc.

>Still fantasizing about fighting le gubrment
You are supposed to subvert the army, not fight it you idiots.

Read more about fall of Soviet Union, watch less rambo.

Guerilla warfare, asymmetrical warfare - proven strategies throughout history of war.

>Why don’t conservative militias unite into a real army?
Because where two or more conservatives gather, one of them will be a fed.

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What happens when the thousands of cells start infighting because there’s no command structure?

>"u-u-u-u-u wont doo shet”
Be honest. How many times a day do you say this to people?
If this were true you wouldn't have to repeat it to yourself every morning and on anonymous message boards to strangers.

They don't want to fight, they want to vote. They're democrats.

We're already at the part where BLM protestors might kill a white cat in an alleyway/street

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I literally never engage in conversation with rightoid surplus biomass so not often. What have you done?

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Convenient for the opponents but as long as there's a clear enemy to fight differences are often set aside more often than not. A smart enemy will attempt to sow discord, mileage varies and the same tactic is more readily used to undermine conventional command hierarchies.

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every time

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>you won't do shit!!!
Please keep believing that. That way we can plan in peace and you'll let your guard down.

shut up tranny pedo

look how the coward loses his shit, when you challenge him to actualy do something

lmao, you always say
>you gonna get it one day
and the totalitarian machine keeps tightening the noose, LMAO, no one is scared of you retards. Drones beat your AR15s.

You realize "the government" has competency problems that aren't showing any signs of going away?

>How would you even plan anything if the organization is going to be that divided?
Plans get foiled and get you conspiracy charges before you can do anything. However chaos is the most fucking scariest thing ever, man is horrified of the unknown and uncertainty.

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