Prime ratings of kangs of rangs

is it just me or why arent they not showing the ratings for this piece of shit for a week now? i mean what is the point even ... just like the youtube button why dont they just get rid of ratings or give themselves always 5+ stars when its their globalist crap... makes me seeth that we are ruled by such cowards losers who not even brave enough to just completely fake this shit and be done with it

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Der Herr Die Rangen Bix nood mahfugga

you racist piece of shit we had to remove the reviews because of your racism, hope the BfV catches you

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LAWD ___ _____

No one cares about your nigger-shows

haha if the costumer doesn't want to buy your product, you just insult them,

Business 101

tolkien would spit on you if he saw what you are writing, you racist asshole!!

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ok so does this right and just fakes this shit... on my kraut google ratings from imdb are displayed with 3.2

i don't fucking care what a dead men would maybe think.

except Hitler


>except Hitler

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>oh lawd die ringe: die ringe of powah

No, he would agree

>oh Lawdy dem Rangs dem Powahhhhh n sheeeit

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Nothing adds up. Any site you go to it shows mostly positive reviews even though the overwhelming majority says its shit from other sources. So shills or bots. But why?

The fuck is BfV

BIG fucking VAGINA
It’s a blanket term for the entirety of modern Germany


to proactivly prevent harm to the marginlized community of people of color

The bad ratings were prebunked, sry.

Who cares about this shit?
Lotr is a decent childrens book, you should read it when you are 12 and move on with your life, the lotr films where woke shit as no not accurate either, move on with your life