Why are lefties obsessed with the word “democracy” now?

Why are lefties obsessed with the word “democracy” now?

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They always have been. Democracy is mob rule, if 51% of the population vote to cut off you genitals and fuck you with a rusty razor, how would you resist that? With a constitutional republic, that would protect you, at least for a time. Demoracy is how the NPC mobs gain power over the intellectual few.

>Democrats push legislation that destroys election security
>removing voter ID, mass mailouts, installing drop boxes with no security
>cry that Republicans are making it harder to vote when they go to fix it
It's all so obvious

You are the same just with a slightly different program

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OUR democracy

It has been a glownigger PR term for a long time, instead of it's original meaning. It means nothing, now. It is the word for the actions of the USA, if you are pro US imperialism, then you are pro democracy, countries that are anti US imperialism are antidemocratic.

Things that might threaten the national security of the USA are "a threat to our democracy" according to US media like CNN, and so on...

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To make you forget the United States is a republic.

That's a shitty fucking soup.
All water, no substance.

Free speech is a threat to democracy.

Since ever. Democracy is the most leftwing ideology ever. Every sack of shit should have an opinion how to lead a country, not actual elites or people worth a shit.

they think invocation of the word gives them absolute moral high ground

God told me I'm not allowed to have sex until I trick enough white people into committing suicide

He told me I'm a horse, I don't know what he means by that.. like a horseman of the apocalypse?

Hey, but anyways, white people, look at this image! I wanna have sex too, look at the image pls

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>It has been a glownigger PR term for a long time
yes and so is
>national security

>not actual elites
You want to be ruled by jews?

OP do you not remember 9/11 or the global war on terror? Or the war against ISIS? Or... the 1980s? Democracy has been part of american political lexicon since at least the turn of the last century. Just how stupid are you?

I want to be extra sure you commit suicide, for God's glory, and for my hard dick.

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leftists in US are pushing very successfully for communist takeover and using the "democracy" word as some kind of magic sword

but the US is a "republic" see the pledge of allegiance - which is why the democraps hate that too

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As if anything in Western countries is the will of the majority crushing poor minorities you stupid kike.

Rule of 3 or something. Look!!! Read the poison!!! Kill yourselves for me =)

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>God told me I'm not allowed to have sex until I trick enough white people into committing suicide
that's samael, not God

democracy is a generation away from authoritarianism ... that's been understood for thousands of years.

It’s gotten worse in the last year if you haven’t been paying attention

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america is about to lose its country because the majority is overpowering the intellectial (white) minoritys. It's WHY they import voters, you dumb shit.

Buzzwords like 'racist' and 'sexist' are worn out because they've been used so many times when they obviously don't apply.

Calling something 'a threat to our democracy' is their new way of telling npc's what and what to support and not support, they'll move on to something else soon.

Rather be ruled by Hofjuden in an aristocracy, than democrat Juden in a democracy. Disraeli did nothing wrong.

To lefties "democracy" means their candidate wins. Them losing is always a "threat to democracy" even when they lost democratically. As with all things, they find a respected institution, kill it, wear its skin like a suit and demand the same level of respect.

Originally it was just Dilbertman type frontloading. DEMocrats push DEMocracy while REPublicans will say republic. So when Democrat politicians talk about the threat to "democracy" they mean the threat to Democrats. Now things are so accelerated that the fear isn't just left-right politics, but that limits to immigration, military isolationism, and social deviancy will threaten corporate profits, so MAGA as an alternative to the status quo becomes a threat to how things have worked for the last 80 years.

Because they know they can steal all elections from now on.

rules for radicals

commies will accuse you of what they are guilty of

nevermind the fact that demanding people vote for your party is the definition of fascism, not democracy.

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