Why are Atheists Such Science Worshipping Goyimslop Loving Nigger Faggots?

They constantly jerk off science and worship it like it's the 2nd coming of Christ while acting like Religion is the worst thing to exist since Hitler. It's essentially a secular religion/cult

Don't bother getting into arguments with them. They use the most retarded circular logic and reasoning and constantly use strawman arguments or dodge hard questions in order to not look like a fag while also trying to justify retarded scientific theories like Evolution and the Big Bang lmao.

"random explosion created everything and every lifeform that existed on earth came from a tiny little microscopic speck that somehow gave rise to creatures which gave rise to mammels which gave rise to us"

Everyone I've met either online or in RL was either an inclusive fag loving cock sucker or a pretentious pesudo-intellectual that loved the sound of their own voice.

Opinions pol?

Attached: Atheist Cringe 2.png (1474x980, 284.29K)

It's how empires die, get yours today! *CLICK HERE*

doesn't "science" say that all gold isotopes should be radioactive?

>onesies and twosies
What the fuck

oh look another christbot spam thread

>Don't bother getting into arguments with them. They use the most retarded circular logic and reasoning and constantly use strawman arguments or dodge hard questions
Lol the irony. This is 100% projection

>"random explosion created everything and every lifeform that existed on earth came from a tiny little microscopic speck that somehow gave rise to creatures which gave rise to mammels which gave rise to us"
This has nothing to do with atheism. And you complain about strawman. Are you that same dipshit from the other thread?

Not surprising that's bullshit seeing as how Radiation is some invisible deadly threat that can't be seen, touched, smelt or heard,
Same shit can be found when every once in a while some "study" gets circulated around media that says something positive like for eg about how wine can make you age longer so people buy it, then after people forget about it they'll come up with another "study" that says the opposite

For people who worship science and intellectualism, they're type like fuckin' retards lol
Oh look another Aussie kike
You shame our country user

Lol what, you couldn't finish your thoughts the first time like a rational adult, you stupid queer?

>how dare you not Any Forums my way!
This pathetic shit lol

>they're type like fuckin' retards lol
Lol amazing

>jerk off science and worship it like it's the 2nd coming of Christ
Isnt that absolutely exactly the the fucking essential point of what science is tho, creating the God of the materium?

How many of these threads are you going to make, user? Do you have nothing better to do than pretend your millennia-old book should be taken seriously in the 21st century?

Fuck off zoomer kikes, at least I'm not a kike worshipping porn addict nigger like the kinds you see at those marxist universities or whatever

Grammar is one thing, but when you say "onesies and twosies" or "y'all" like an inbred tykesha nigger then you deserve to be stoned

It's the exact same reason why the Soviet Union, Mao's China etc all tried to get rid of religion since it encouraged going above materialistic love of possessions. Also because Communism is a jewish creation that encourages secularism in order to make people forget their loyalities and oaths to fight to jew in order for jews to rule over them easier

shame your country? your country is full of weak men and pussies. you guys allowed your government to lock people up in camps over the fucking flu. go be panicked and shake in a corner somewhere else, coward.

>Fuck off zoomer kikes, at least I'm not a kike worshipping porn addict nigger like the kinds you see at those marxist universities or whatever

Attached: 1660148689400892.jpg (750x751, 109.85K)

>Grammar is one thing, but when you say "onesies and twosies" or "y'all" like an inbred tykesha nigger then you deserve to be stoned
The irony is you calling others retards while being a retard is hilarious

Get the fuck off my board christ cuck

That's why I hate it. My country consists of mutts who immigrated from some shithole or lazy shithead stoners who don't give a shit about politics and let other step over them

>wahh these guys are calling me a kike, I'm not a kike they're the real kikes

Attached: Catholic Supremacy 1.jpg (720x830, 182.33K)

Maybe tell the niggers that fuck your daughter the same and maybe I will ameri-mutt

Attached: Americans are Cowards.jpg (1024x749, 118.61K)

They're reaching.
Quick look doesn't suggest this is a 501(c)3 non-profit religious org. Meaning they pay taxes, which also means they are not muzzled. I could be wrong, but instead of seeing these fedoras enlightened by their own intellect finding the specific church's 501c3 status, they're quoting IRS, as if 'churches' must register as non-profit religious orgs, and otherwise can forgo the status an likewise free speech.

Best part is this
>As long as we're at making this a movement, I would suggest using the Overton Window.

>We need public figures not only discussing the blatant violation of law by these churches, but publicly questioning why churches get a separate set of rules from normal 501(c)3 organizations in a country that was built on the separation of church and state.

Yes. Please. Blanket pull the muzzle of the Church. Provoke the whores wearing Christ's garments to evaporate while His bride speaks fire and condemnation of sinners absent her bridegroom's blood.

But again. I could be wrong. Typically these churches put their 501c3 status front and center on donation or about pages. I'm not digging deep, because picking a fight with God is a fools errand and I have little interest in disrupting my enemies when they are making a mistake.

>>wahh these guys are calling me a kike, I'm not a kike they're the real kikes