Why does islam encourage interracial marriages?

Why does islam encourage interracial marriages?

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Non-Europeans are all the same anyway, just different shades of brown, practically clones of each other with nominal differences taken out of proportion.

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most early muslims were black slaves, so muhamed had to give them something, later muslims were still racist as fuck tho

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We are 1 billion strong ofc some deviants exist. Atleast we ain't bringing blacks into our nation.
Why does your prophet encourage people to marry people from different tribes?

Why do huwite governments and corporations?

Indians are filthy animals but you muslims are no different, just different shades of shitskin but either fuck goats or fuck cows

Saying you don't bring niggers into your country isn't saying much when even the niggers are disgusted by your dogshit country

Attached: Nigger Alien.jpg (900x682, 126.44K)


A muslim and a tranny are no different; neither are nor will ever be what they pretend to be.
And the shitskin replies ITT already express a mentality identical to that of a trannys

Hands don’t match face

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can you show me where does islam encourage interracial marriages
also muslims countrys are the most anti race mixing at least when it comes to their daughters its different story for theirs sons ( as your tribes men taking women from other tribes has been viewed positively historically but not the opposit)
also you are literally poo and basically a nigger your self

>t. lower cast rape baby who literally worship their Aryan invaders

also muslims are replacing you and your birth rate is below replacement and muslim men steal so many of your women that you had to make laws to stop it , also you literally made movies about getting cucked by muslims

>We are 1 billion strong ofc some deviants exist

>Why does your prophet encourage people to marry people from different tribes?
he didn't encourage it, just allowed it, to attract early followers, and he later backtracked when he conquered mecca because the arabic tribes didn't like it, he was a machiavellian piece of shit

Attached: poosrapinganimals.jpg (314x714, 54.63K)

>Spreads baseless bullshit
تع مصمص

post 1 proof that it encourages them.
not "allows" them, but actually encourages.
you won't be able to.

she looks the same color(hands), just the face was whitened

wow you are dumb

Kek even their prophet called them out for being cucks.

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>most early muslims were black slaves
what the fuck are you talking about most early Muslims where free men there where only like couple of black slaves among them also you clearly where never a muslim if you dont know this and probably a Egyptian qubt christian

>t.what are recessive genes
google.com/search?q=twins with different skin color&sxsrf=ALiCzsaVVjP-DLvvCq0FrQkLYoYXqbDuaw:1662636730325&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoh869jIX6AhVEyKQKHbsuBOQQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1097&bih=554&dpr=1.75

>Spreads baseless bullshit

eat nigger dick, palshit

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True, but you guys are now suffering like Christians because of liberalised nonsense

they wont and cant islam exclusively for allowing it as all other religions allowed it , even pagan nords race mixed when they took female slave of different ethnicity's and had children with them , the irony is that pajeets themselves like the one in op are literally the result of a massive race mixing between the aryan invaders who mass raped and married poojet women

>Why does islam encourage interracial marriages?
It doesnt at all wtf are you smoking Raj?

That's the end goal of abrahamutts, a world full of rootless golems worshipping their jew masters.

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Because it's an abrahamic religion.
all abrahamic religions encourage unnatural acts (weakness, submission, race-mixing, etc.)

Why are her hands black?

how the fuck did you prove that most early muslims were black?
all that you post did was say islam didn't believe in racial superiority witch is true same as Christianity doesn't (i think only Judaism do so) , and how does that have any thing to do with our discussion

Islam is not about races its about submitting yourself to Allah (swt). As long as the husband is Muslim, people can be married.

bilal didnt race mix

I'd 'slim her muzz if you know what I mean

It's a jewish faith, racial mixture is unnatural and against laws of mother nature, we'll all be punished for this one day.

Japan not feeling so well

>what the fuck are you talking about most early Muslims where free men there where only like couple of black slaves among them
I don't know why you fuckers feel the need to lie about this, or maybe you just don't know, which would be typical of illiterate mudslimes

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That's what I'm saying why can't Arabs just give up and let the young strong Africans in. Let them marry your sisters and daughters as long as they are muslim right?

This. Europeans don’t really hate Islam, they hate brown people and niggers. They’re just too pathetic and weak to admit it.

Mudtrannies seething ITT

you are a braindead idiot and know nothing about islam if you say that it encourage weakness , islam is literally the opposit of that its literally a Warrior religion where every men have to take part in jihad and try to die a Warrior , even your idol Hitler knew that and about race mixing literally zero religion beside Judaism forbade it
>he also made private and public statements expressing admiration for what he perceived to be the militaristic nature of Islam and the political sharpness of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[209]
> According to Albert Speer, Hitler wished that the Caliphate had won the Battle of Tours against the Franks in 732: "The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"[216] "Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers – already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity! – then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."[217] According to Speer, Hitler was convinced that had Islam taken root in central Europe at this time, the Germanic people would have become the "heirs of that religion" with Islam being "perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament". Hitler said that while the Arabs, on account of their "racial inferiority", would have been unable to handle the harsh climate and conditions of the region, and that instead the Islamized Germans would have "stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire". A "religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith".[216]

Mohammed had that token black guy who would do the call to prayer so globohomo equality bs has a foothold with them.

You can be Muslim but it doesn't mean you can give up on traditions. There are not rules about race mixing

In early Islam there were no Muslim slaves. At no point in Islam other than post-Ottoman times are Muslim slaves allowed in Islam. But that’s mainly because Saudi Arabia relies on Rabbinic law rather than Sharia law.

so is Hinduism witch is founded on race mixing with the invading aryans so when will you allow the chad Muslims to take your women and stop crying about it , also when will you allow african to india too by the same logic

Doesn't matter, it's being used for it, user

You guys are usually whiny Muslims where I'm from. Are you one of the 8% Hindus?

If they do that instead of Europeans I don't care
Well, I do care, because I don't want more niggers

I generally hate both
I wouldn't hate Islam if it wasn't for the retarded anti-dog stuff and the people who represent it, usually dumb brown people.


>Wikipedia link
Expect nothing less than an average shoe size iq from bootlickers

New age mumbo jumbo muh everyone is equal. Stupid French idiot.

Bilal married an Arab woman(Yemeni).
They are the people one of the best generations of islam. Muslims are supposed to follow them