Memphis shooter

Why did he do it?

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Because he's a nigger that got away with so many "lesser" crimes that he thought he couldn't be touched.
I'm just sad they didn't kill him.

to kill whty

Anyone have the video?

Pathological hatred of white people. But it will never be reported as such by the media.

proof he only shot white people?

because his kind evolved to not be independant, they dont do well in the wild
must keep them in cages

literally narcissism mixed with poor long term consequence comprehension

>lesser crimes
He had already been charged with attempted murder, (reduced to assault). Like it was said in the Eliza Fletcher threads, Memphis has exceptionally dumb nigs. Shockingly stupid. They kill people for $5. They carjack KIA Sorentos and leave the female driver dead in the street and the baby in the backseat when they wreck it. Their toddlers shoot themselves with handguns. You saw the videos and heard the attempts at language, that nig wasn't thinking much about anything.

There arw still white people in Memphis?

Thus the quotation marks, user.

Because he hates white people

Why did the Canadian stabbers do it?
Does any of this smell Jewy?

Attached: smells-like.gif (301x212, 1.96M)

He was just getting his life back on track

Attached: 1423758469333.jpg (529x769, 126K)

>Facebook live for 1 hour.
>1 10sec webm clip thats looks like a cgi on the entire internet
Yeah I call bullshit. Whats actually going on with the billionaire cunt chopped up by the nigger the other day? What are they hiding?

Meds dude

No need to immediately get schizo after I just posted the quickest video I could find user, there is probably more footage somewhere.

show me the other videos? I see 1 "person" being shot. Nothing online of the number of victims. No other videos? But this guy was online fb live shooting multiple people for 1 hour. give me a fucking break fed

There is not go search and look. Nothing on Any Forums, twitter, youbtube, facebook.

So many feds in this thread. kys

>literally BIX NOODS for a bit and then shoots some poor guy for no reason
It must be hell to live in some niggerinfested city in the US, I would be constantly on edge and heavily armed just in case one of these walking time bombs blows a fuse near me.

>So many feds in this thread. kys
you are so fucking retarded user, you don't deserve to live.
Why would the feds fake/orchestrate a nigger shooting white people? think retard, THINK.

He ain't did it cuh.

Attached: nuffins.jpg (600x685, 74.02K)

The experts already agreed that its because of the socioeconomic circumstances. Stop reaching for reasons to blame niggers. They are a national treasure. Also fuck Donald Trump

>"It's how you raise them".

Do you see his black skin? People with this particular pigmentation possess a DNA that programs them to be dumb and violent. A black person is not so much a person as he is crime on two legs.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

>Why would the feds fake/orchestrate a nigger shooting white people?
Well Satan, in the hopes of retaliation by some white folks that have had enough would be my first guess.


feds are smarter than most of you, they know you pacified bitches won't do shit so it would only end up hurting black people in the end