What do you think about this country?

What do you think about this country?

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fated to be a great power in the future.

I don't.

great hunting grounds

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Ulanbaatar is a pretty cool name for a capital city

superior potassium

tha's not mongolia, geolett

Ching chong bing bong

I think it could develop a lot more and use its geographical position better, besides that I don't like when it cucks to Russia, but that's it.

Ulanbataar is in Mongolia lol

very nice!


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Not much. Considering it’s borders I’m inclined to believe they’re steppe people like Mongolians, so that’s cool. Other than that all I know about Kazakhstan is the ussr for oil from them I think

Borat and Uranium

I also think ching chime bing bong

good qts

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gib uranium pls

mongoloids and tartars, what is left of the empire of the great khan, the lands of Gog. They raid Europe from time to time. Future NWO place of power.

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They really hate women and it's based

Easy and cute women. Also very open when it comes to sex.

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Fucking retard, their capital is Tashkent. Ulanbaatar is in Mongolia.