Have larger army than invading Russian forces

>Have larger army than invading Russian forces
>2x more dead soldiers
>3x more wounded soldiers
>3x more tanks lost
>2x more aircraft lost
>4x more UAV lost
>2x more artillery lost

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jokes on you
zelensky measures success by number of dead ukrainians

This. His job is to kill as many Europeans as possible. They want WWIII

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Source: My whole fucking digestive system at this point

Ukraine is just a way for dirty politicians to distract their citizenry and continue to launder their money.
It's a corrupt slavic shithole and it wont amount to anything more than being a kiked embarrassment.

Technically the hohols are European because they occupy European part of Russia but ethnically they're turk-jews.

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The ukies have done incredibly well. Everyone (including Russia) thought they would be done in a few days. Now they are pushing the orcs back and have created a chain of events that (fingers crossed) will lead to the end of the Russian Federation. And the funniest bit is that Russia did it to itself.

why the fuck would you support a regime which is quite literally globohomo?

>European part of Russia
If Ukraine wasn't a proper country before all this, they are now. Forged in fire and with an eternal and proper hatred of Russian orc scum. Combined with Finland and Sweden joining NATO, by any metric Putin has shit the bed.


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You need to stop guzzling Russian propaganda. Are you some sort of gullible benny?

Sorry could you repeat that.

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Agent Z is at it again!

If you have a point, orc scum, it is very opaque.
What I want to know is why the Russian military is so fucking gay. I do mean gay as in useless (which is just funny), I mean gay as in bent as fuck.


your and my gouvernement are worse

those damn Russians have destroyed over 3x the amount of HIMARS launchers than Ukrainians have been delivered in total, impressive

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Well done you've used a 5 month old meme. Surely now you fit in right?

And? Russia wants the exact same thing for you as your current government. Your destruction.

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Ukrainians are the closest thing to the original Slavs. Iron Age Kiev culture was proto-Slavic.

Counterpoint - you're a nigger

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So western ZOG controlling the Ukraine regime is Russian propaganda? Kek give me a break
Yeah Putin is Jewed too, but not to the same extent
The same ppl who control our governments are behind the current Ukraine regime

>Source: Dr. Schlomo Hoholmann Schweinerenko

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>Yeah Putin is Jewed too, but not to the same extent
Picrel. How exactly do you know how jewed he is and has this board just became a place for us to fight to suck the "least" jewed guys dick?

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Assuming you're not an Ivpn..
>Be you. Born and raised in one of the richest, most equitable, most free societies in the history of the world. Shit at life. Shit job, no woman, no money for xbox tokens.
>Why did da joooos do this to me?
Pathetic. An hero, please. You're not contribooting.

I ain't sucking anyone's dick
But anyone with half a brain can see that the Ukraine regime is full blown globohomo, yet some clowns on here cheer for them?

ahhh so you're a kike shill, should have known
go back trannie, you'll never be a woman

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Who would want to put their dick in your mouth when it's so full of Russian jizz?