Why do zoomers steal millennial culture?

Why do zoomers steal millennial culture?
>candid camera
They have nothing

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SpongeBob belongs to zoomers you nigger

Because all those things are awesome. As a millennial I wish yugioh was more popular with zoomers.

>Lists of jewish media garbage that nobody will give a shit about 100 years from now

they steal everything. they're even stealing the faggy emo look, except slap nigrap unto it. so it's cool and socially acceptable.

You went even born yet broccoli top

Lol i do this but i have retarded hair now because pol ruined the zoomer cut that i picked out before it was a thing and i have naturally curly hair and dont need a perm

lmao millenials still buy all the merch from their kids shows. no need to do new stuff for zoomers.

the whole zoomer culture lacks any soul or originality of its own. It's just constantly scanning older cultural phenomenon to rip off.

why do millennials steal genX culture?
why do genX steal boomer culture?
why do boomers steal silent gen culture? etc

Those shows were really good, even gen-x stuff like Transformers G1 and He-man hold up better than the woke garbage today.

naturally curly hair? what are ya niggerfied or a kike?

Who gives a fuck. If the haircut is a social lubricant and gets you pussy then don't listen to autists on the internet telling you it's bad.

Not to mention, it's all done ironically. I doubt any of these e-goth girls listen to Slipknot.

>better than the woke garbage today.
there's your answer. even if most zoomies are woke zombies, they still know everything new sucks. that's why their whole aesthetic is about resurrecting the tackiest parts of the 90's and 2000's.

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Checked and if you haven’t noticed most of all media is recycled material that gets degraded in terms of nuance each time it is reused. Look at the most basic things, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, DC. Now they are redoing Game of Throne and Lord of the Rings. All of these things someone else created. Now we just have faggot diversity hires and >picrel writing all the shows. No new thought, no new creativity, just same old fags with no imagination.

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There's nothing I hate more than seeing a grown man in Nickolodean streetwear

Wtf are you talking about? Most of that stuff was popular around the late 90s and early 2000s. How old do you think zoomers are?

Zoomers are based af why u talking about?

Attached: zoomers not taking it.webm (270x480, 1.11M)

That stuff is genX.

I LOVE seeing these deluded bitches get ROCKED

Checked, Any Forums ruined it for me in the sense if I’m at work and see a broccoli too I can’t stop laughing and going fr fr

>Tyrone will kick your ass

Attached: go to sleep.webm (480x440, 738.96K)

The last bit of memorable content created for the genuine enjoyment of others happened before they were aware or maybe even alive.

We all experienced this stuff while growing up, tricked into a false sense of what to expect from the world and from people such as : "we are all humans regardless of skin color", "don't judge a book by its cover," "live and let live", "don't hate what is different," etc. Even small things like Homer working a job he's clearly never should've been hired for yet still being able to support a family and own a home.
Zoomers aren't looking at this stuff the way we do. They just find it interesting because it's not made by Jews just to humiliate humanity and shame anyone trying to live a normal life, there's no bitter nostalgia like we have.

they’re based cause they know what theres out today is pure shit

Try GenX

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