Our Prime Minister is literally an Italian, a southern italian, at that

Our Prime Minister is literally an Italian, a southern italian, at that
what could we have possibly done to deserve this

Attached: Anthony_Albanese.jpg (795x1185, 1.36M)

You were too cool, and they hate you for it. Same reason we have an overt kiddie diddler as president.

and? look at the UK. be grateful.

He looks white to me.

>what could we have possibly done to deserve this
Sided with mutts (aka:kikes).

didn't ban all the taigs

now you will get taig x flip monster culture and ethnic replacement by subhumans orchestrated by the pope. Her majesty the queen weeps.

It might be worse than that depending on your view of Albanians, he is descended from Albanian people that reside in Italy.

Cronulla 2.0 when, so sick of wogs

Put another shrimp on the barbie and stop bitching

We didn't start killing our politicians. We deserve this

This nigger is a fucking albanian your country is fucked.

He is not only a Southern Italian but an ALBANIAN-ITALIAN. His surname refers to the Albanian diaspora in Southern Italy. If that weren't bad enough, his is also Irish and Catholic. Australia is a dead nation.

Feels like a gaslighting thread.

Good Lord, what a mix

Attached: 1649645575772_ScreenShot2022-04-11at12.27.54pm.png (768x639, 1.22M)

>what could we have possibly done to deserve this
you relaxed

Attached: degrootphoto-50c7b7a651e38-f137f270fa8ae8aa4b3b3feb0134c13f78646592.jpg (345x367, 42.41K)

Almost sure Albanese is a family of mafiosi from the Black Nobility, you are as retarded as the brazilians. LOL

Want my honest opinion on Albanese?
I didn't believe any of his original policies that he wanted to do would work.
There was no physical practical way to implement them in any efficient way.

Did anybody tell him that to his face? Did anybody prove to Albanese the policies wouldn't work? Did anybody work with Albanese to push him in the right direction? The answer is no.
This is a Communication issue caused by fear of social repercussions.

All I see is people complaining, not analyzing the issue or solving the issue.
This is another widespread communication problem.
Those who do attempt to solve a problem are not rewarded in the slightest, those who sit on their ass all day doing nothing get paid for it.

Albanese is most likely a puppet, considering other components of the labor party do whatever they want whenever they want.

The truth is that Party cronyism and corporate cronyism is widespread and that pampered officials are completely unaware of true issues and that they can be expelled at anytime if they do become aware.

Since this thread feels like a gaslighting thread, let's look at what Albanese has posted recently:
>We are a resources superpower. And we can be a renewable energy superpower – using Australian metals and minerals to make it happen.
Most if not all mining companies are selling resources overseas, and are profiting from this.

Mining companies are corrupt. Government institutions work in conjunction with these companies.

Poverty is intentional for targeted individuals.

This is what we get for going soft on foreigners. No one from non-British stock should have been allowed to become citizens or breed here.

I've always believed that mining companies are behind racism pushes. But I also believe they are the most corrupt ratbags in existence who sell out the country to foreign interests.

The question is who is asking for skilled labor to come into Australia? What jobs are these people supposed to fill that Australians can't fill?

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner is on the skilled work shortage list I shit you not

Imported Italians

>Same reason we have an overt kiddie diddler as president.
As opposed to a closeted one?
They all fuck kids, let's not fool ourselves.

He's an Albanian pretending to be a Calabrian pretending to be an Italian pretending to be an Australian.

We wuz Romans n' shieeet!