Ive found that as i age, i become more left wing and find myself disagreeing with pol more frequently

ive found that as i age, i become more left wing and find myself disagreeing with pol more frequently

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shut the fuck up you piece of shit nigger

that's because you're surrounded by leftoid nigstralians and your brain gave up on filtering out propaganda after the years. Good luck cunt

some people don't think it be like it is, but it do

Many people lose their mental acuity as they enter their golden years

benjamin button ova here

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You made this thread yesterday
I've found that, as you age, OP becomes more of a faggot.

pol is full of b rejects, that tells you all you need to know

Because pol's main point is just to be edgy. We don't make any real points.
People who get their politics from pol or take this place seriously are genuinely retarded

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how old are you now?

go git your booster then?

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nupol just went full retard since 2015. only newfags left so I get where you are coming from although I wouldn't describe myself as left

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no i didn’t. take your meds


I wish the left hated niggers and arabs. I would be more or less on board with their policies if that was the case.

yes you did, you dirty lying gorilla nigger. it's in the archives.

no sweatie you must be confused

So move to a globohomo city and enjoy your anus being pounded. Join Twitter, wear a dress and post your transition on Reddit, etc.

Tell us some of those points nigger.

>shut the fuck up you piece of shit nigger
Took the words right out of my mouth. Are you me, fellow Leaf?

Yeah same. Modern leftism is basically just sucking the cock of globalhomo corporations and hating the white middle class for no good reason.

It’s a joke about everything being upside down in Austria, right? Pretty gay.

Time to cut off your dick then, faggot.

maybe as you've aged, you've found that you developed a case of early onset dementia

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>jews literally run the west
>pol jokes about it, don't take it seriously
>jews still run the west
>pol says jews don't run the west and this site is parody
>jews literally run the west

Yes I’ve noticed you should go back to preddit where you came from

Majority of the threads today were made multiple times in the last 2 days. Holy fuck

So youre the one rocking this boat! :P

you're growing up and starting to see the bigger picture
but hey, you can't leave this place. you're stuck here forever.

you are going senile aussie boy

same but it’s mainly the violent and barbaric aspects, after having a kid that stuff is like nails on chalkboard to me

maybe while other grow older you grow stupider.