Maskies want us to respect their choice

>maskies want us to respect their choice
>you do you

Why is nigger talk infecting everything?

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it is what it is

it be like that

it do be like that

Not the ones who tried to force others to wear them, but people who want to wear them and never cared what I did, sure. That's okay I guess.

some people don't think it be like it is, but it do

>but people who want to wear them and never cared what I did, sure. That's okay I guess.

Those people are complicit in this whole thing. They are the reason this went on so long

"optional" until they aren't anymore. tear down the fucking sign and rape to death the man who tries to put a new one.

Anti-maskers were an annoying fad of contrarians who clearly cared more about being the "LOOK AT ME I AM VERY SPECIAL AND HATE RULES" people then being polite to others, but pro maskers were annoying with their virtue signaling crap.

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I was in a store a few days ago where a homeless guy was harassing everyone that wore a mask.
"Masks can't stop viruses. You know that right? You know your mask can't stop a virus. Well, why are you wearing it then? To stop the viruses? It can't do that!"


He wasn't homeless, that is just the average hygiene and mental state of a poltard.

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literally me. mask people are enablers of the lockstep agenda and without them we could end socialism. they are rotten meat.

It are what is are

It’s 2022 grandpa covid is done and over

by the time that New York fucking City lifts the mask mandate, it means masks are a thing of the past.
Masking will probably just be a thing people do when they feel sick, like in Japan.

They dont think it be like it is but it do

>waaah be polite to me
Blow it out your ass

>Why is nigger talk infecting everything?

Stupid people like it because it doesn't make them feel insecure about their inability to speak English properly.

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keep your mask it's easier to identify you

Part of living in any society is decency to others, even others you disagree with. Stop being an edgelord.

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Why don't you shut the fuck up you stupid ignorant racist cunt.

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This but unironically. People have a choice between unique articulation and reflexively sprouting rap idioms, and they choose the later in order to be as average as possible.

No I'm not going to respect maskies after they wanted me to be removed from society.


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since when is you do you nigger talk

It's nice they they choose to to display their lack of self-respect so openly.

Maskies didn't respect my choice so fuck em.

Back in 2020 my experience was always the opposite of this. It was always the land whales who didn't give 2 fucks about their health who were maskless.
The people in reasonable shape (not morbidly obese) and especially the gymbros were wearing masks.

>Why is nigger talk infecting everything?
Because Demoncraps put niggers on pedestals and literally kneel to them.

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>Only third of the muslim population actually want you dead and would kill you given a chance
>The other two thirds, so called moderate muslims, wouldn't stop them but wouldn't kill you themselves.
All Maskies Are Bastards

>Why is nigger talk infecting everything?
If you say "dude" or "bruh" or "thot" or any other nigger colloquialism, you are part of the problem

Since this thread attracted all the contrarians, just know that blindly accepting the opposite of the mainstream narrative is just as retarded as blindly accepting the narrative.

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You have a point, but I meant that post in the present tense. That's why I used the words "tried" (failed) and "never cared" [[past tense]].
Still your right, and they should be ashamed.
I'm only saying in a free society (God I wish we had one) I would not care and do not care what someone wants to wrap around their mouth.
Present tense, it's fine, but I still shake my head at them.
We should all have our own countries and maintain our own cultures. Mussies do not belong anywhere but the middle east.
What I was discussing is not the same as what you posted about.
Deport all mussies back, sure, but this is not that.
False equivalence.

Your pic is ok for me

t. Non mask

Your experience is unique then
Fatties love mask like they do all cheap health fixes that don't involve no eating like a pig.