Be American

>Be American
>Support genital mutilation

Why are you cunts like this.....

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>be Canadian
>be obsessed with America


You sure think about baby dicks a lot


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it all comes back to the JEWS

It's actually insane and I can't understand for the life of my why you wouldn't shoot a circumciser, like automatically. You hand just slips.

I mean HONESTLY what the fuck it's the worst thing in the world and the only reason I can't tolerate Jews. I don't give a fuck if they loanshark trailer park retards or eat muslim children. My main issue is that they remove genitals of Christian men and have spiritualistic intentions with the stolen flesh.

I don't support it, but you seem to support discourse on American penises

We are all brainwashed user
Humans are sheep

Would be cool to track down the man who circumcised me and display a completely unrelated skull on my mantle. I'll settle for accidentally stumbling upon his coffin while digging totally unrelated holes.

You either have a tinfoil hat or a teapot dome. I don't know why, but in this case there is a very small in between. Which makes them angry.

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Flips mutiliate kids for the jew, same as koreans.

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Doctors tell your parents its for "health" reasons. My mom doesn't even know why she had my circumcised but apparently the doctor convinced her because having an uncircumcised penis means it'll be easier to contract AIDS or some shit. He convinced her it was for "my own health".

The devil is real.

Their circumcision tradition predates colonization, though.

>Be American
>Use Imperial measurements
>Calls excessive training fees "Student Loans" instead of Indentured Servitude
>let Jews take over their finances, law, media and politics
>let Poos take over their tech companies
>let Spics take over their demographics
>let Niggers into their daughter's wombs

Yeah... they are a funny bunch when to start looking deeper into things.

That's only white Americans.

>The devil is real.

Foreskin…means nothing to me

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What do they do with the foreskins? Wear it as a ring?

Trust me, I know. If I remember correctly, the "data" used to support this came from giving circumcised niggers in Africa some condoms and then saying circumcision reduces transmission of AIDS.
In reality, this is just used as a way to get parents to let them harvest their children's foreskins for the least dollars possible. Most Americans won't even look into one study in their lifetime.

yeah and the abbos cut the dick with a seashell for thousands of years before jews invented the idea.

I think that skoptic syndrome is a mental illness not a cultural peal.