I have a legit Ukraine solution

I would like euros and Russians to chime in here.

As a burger that has only loosely been monitoring the situation I have some reasonable solutions to end this conflict. As I understand the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk in Donbas have (pro-Russian govt?) claimed independence from Ukraine that supposedly came on a vote from the people. The legitimacy of this decision doesn’t matter in the context of this solution. Assuming all parties are acting in good faith (none of them are) the people in the area have spoken. This is good pretext for allowing this change to occur. Ukraine is to honor this (or these) region’s independence. Ukraine will look like cucks for this and so will the west. But the exchange of this region will be a bargain for the west’s total commitment to ukraine’s security going forward (essentially what is happening now albeit half assed) As I understand the Russians already moved in 2014 on crimea and nothing happened to them. The west needs to allow this succession to happen and vow to destroy Russia if anymore aggression occurs following this succession. The remaining bit of Ukraine can be part of and protected by NATO (not officially but unofficially) but no NATO forces can be stationed in Ukraine. Essentially the agreement is that the separatist regions can have their independence but can not be Russia even if they are defacto Russians. Ukraine can’t be apart of NATO even though they will be defacto NATO.

The western media can spin this all as a good thing and possibly have figures like macron or Biden spearhead some made for tv peace negotiations with President Hollywood Zelinsky and look like absolute heros. The euro cucks will get their gas back and not freeze to death while their leaders diplomacy makes them look like heroes. All parties can win and spin their people to think their own countries leader was a hero and won for their countrymen while cucking their adversaries.

What do you think? Or I guess we could just nuke

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I can't think of a country I care less about than Ukraine.

Why don’t we just send Captain Soap MacTavish

I can’t either but this gay non sense is destroying my portfolio and I want it to stop without some nuclear disaster. That being said it’s just a front for the great reset and a nuclear war would be a blessing compared to what’s next.

man, you're clueless


>The west needs to allow this succession to happen and vow to destroy Russia if anymore aggression occurs following this succession.
first, if they could do that without being destroyed themselves, they would have done it long ago
second, Minsk 2 was the path towards peaceful resolution of the Donbass problem, with them remaining in Ukraine under certain conditions
in 2019, Jewlensky openly stated that he doesn't like Minsk agreement and Ukraine won't be fulfilling it
afaik later he said that Ukraine will drop its non-nuclear status
in other words, Ukraine and the West had a chance to resolve this peacefully
now there won't be Minsk 3, only complete capitulation will suit Russia
also, Ukraine is just the beginning

How gay.

Fair enough. So basically your saying Russia won’t stop. I’m fairly certain the west won’t capitulate unless leadership changes. I was hoping a mutual cop out would be easy. But if Russia is really that dug in then we’re probably all fucked. I understand the bullshit to some extent. Basically the west is fucking with them on their border and I think it would be hard to let that stand. Is there a peaceful solution? Where does this ultimately go from here in your opinion? Also I’m retarded so I have to ask what flag is that?

NATO has no right being in the Balkan's at all. It actually should've disbanded when the Warsaw pact (the Soviet's equivalent of NATO) disbanded.
The US thinks it can bully everyone and will remain the only superpower. They're wrong.

how would any of that help the (((central planners))) cripple the West?

I agree. Also you are a jackass if you think it’s just the US. When the US is mentioned or broadly the term the west refers to the global homo outfit that you are squarely apart of, your faggot fuck country is right alongside us being completely retarded. Please spare me the nato history lesson because you know our govs don’t give a fuck about that. And one more point you guys are actually slightly gayer than us. Seriously though I’ve been so ashamed of your country the last couple of years it’s unreal and that’s saying a lot since I’m a burger.

That was kind of my point. There are actual peaceful solutions here but the powers at be are just interested in global chaos.

>I’m fairly certain the west won’t capitulate unless leadership changes
no western help, lend-lease or whatever will change the outcome
NATO would have to directly get involved (a great path towards mutual annihilation with the use of nukes)
for example, I read statements from the top that if there will be a radiation leak at the nuclear power plant, NATO could trigger article 5, because the fallout might reach NATO countries
but it is Ukraine that is shelling the power plant and could hit the wasted fuel storage facility...
and Ukraine is not doing this on its own, as it is a Western puppet state since 2014

>Is there a peaceful solution? Where does this ultimately go from here in your opinion?
of course there is a peaceful resolution, but it will be in Russia's favor
Russia essentially issued an ultimatum in late December last year
1. give guarantees that Ukraine won't join NATO
2. NATO should fuck off back to 1997 (as was promised to USSR that NATO won't move an inch East; Russia is USSR's legal successor)
3. iirc, move US nukes out of Europe
Russia probably won't stop until these demands are met...


also since Ukraine and West didn't agree to that and the conflict has started, now the stakes are higher
Russia will want Ukraine and the West to recognize not only Crimea as Russian territory, but also Donbass, Kherson and Zaporzhye regions and probably Kharkov
all these regions are parts of Novorossiya
this is the bare minimum
but since Novorossiya includes the likes of Odessa (a Russian-speaking and historical Russian city), I think all of Novorossiya will become Russia's again

if Ukraine will remain after the conflict, it won't be part of west or independent, because it proved that it can't remain independent while also not being a western puppet state
Bandera/Nazi ideology will flourish, it will be used against as an anti-Russia project, etc.
so things are looking bad for Ukraine as a country, but then again there never was a country called Ukraine until USSR created it during USSR's formation (and Russia's civil war) and gave it independence in 1991

Yeah I understand where your coming from. Agreements made, then reneged then the west pushes buttons even more. I think our leaders are too stupid to back down and drunk on power or perception of power. I honestly think they would engage in a nuclear war over a country that doesn’t really serve them any benefit. I guess my whole thought of thought role play of peace in the conflict was to exercise an actual solution. Which is also why I wanted euro and Russian input. I honestly think it ends with nukes. I think both sides are that stuck.

the only question here is how bad do those people that control US want war with Russia with a potential nuclear war
for Russia, Ukraine and NATO in Eastern Europe (essentially an extension of US military) is an existential threat
(imagine some sort of future weapons located 100km from second largest Russia's city)
Russia wants to solve 3 problems: demographic, economic and its long-term security
it didn't have the economic and military strength to do something about the NATO expansion and the coups in Ukraine
now it is ready for any turn of events: from West's economic blitzkrieg, to a hot war with NATO
you have no idea how close we are to major happenings, and like I said, Ukraine is just the beginning

Or you could just let Putin kick the jews out. Fuck you poorfags who can't afford the gas.

let them fight each other, a dead slavshit is a good slavshit

you sound more than a little butt hurt there champ. Don't let your lack of hyper-sonic weapons get you down ok? I'm here for you if you need to let it all out.

Yeah bud I think western leaders want war with Russia really bad. Probably more than they have wanted anything in their lives. This thread was a good temp check on Russian sentiment. I suppose we’re all going to die. Just look at what’s been going on in western politics the last half decade. They want war with Russia so bad they probably will false flag to kick it off. They may not understand the consequences of those decisions. I really think this ends in full blown nuclear war. Funny thing is the average person will be the one vaporizer while the elites hide in places like norrad or the Russian, Chinese, etc equivalents

Your country is allowed to have weapons? I’m not talking about citizens, of course I know you can’t have them, but I saw a documentary about how your country was working on a DJI Mini fleet to shoot at hostile foreign invaders. It was the most pathetic thing I’d ever seen and I’m almost certain they admitted that to increase the military budget. You have no actual national defense whatsoever.

Russia was pushed into a corner and won't back down
but what could end all this peacefully - and I might be a bit naive - is perhaps MAJOR protests either in Russia, EU or US
in Russia, economy is stable for now, it has resources and Chinese products could somewhat replace the EU and US, as can the parallel import of sanctioned products
the losses in the conflict are not that high as the West claims (Russia has switched tactics long ago, are using limited forces and the Donbass soldiers are doing a lot of heavy lifting)
so I don't think this will happen in Russia

EU protests already started happening and could get worse with time
if protesters get it their way in, say, Germany, EU might stop supporting Ukrainian government, could lift sanctions, making US sanctions on Russia worthless
this could undo Ukrainian government

US, from my limited knowledge, has a potential for a civil war, depending on the outcomes of the next elections and in 2024
this could else end support for Ukrainian gov

also there could be a military coup in Ukraine or it could lose its fighting ability soon, making it physically unable to resist Russia

Oh no! What happened to Pepper the Frog?