Say hello to the fresh Russian reinforcements take are going to stop the Ukrainian offensive

Say hello to the fresh Russian reinforcements take are going to stop the Ukrainian offensive

Attached: cannon_fodder.jpg (1164x873, 189.44K)

Mmmmm, they look like good like cocksuckers. I would like to fuck them.

Half those blokes aint going home

I'll take an order of a number 4 please.

156th Twink Bussy Rifle Regiment on parade comrade general

>This special military operation sucks
>Why am I here?
>My feet hurt
>I wish I was at home playing CS GO


Attached: Haircut_Putin_Obama_Square.jpg (600x600, 50.58K)

Left to right
>25% Jewish
>25% Asian
>Manlet zoomer slav (Butthead)
>Lanklet zoomer slav (Beavis)
>50% Asian
>Who let the 16 year old join
>2006 time traveling teen
>Will probably shoot his squad
>Any Forums

This looks like a /fa/ meet up

They are all going to die poor zoomies

Fucking hell. Poor young boys

Stop this war for fucks sake

i'd take a viagra before fighting those fuckin faggots.


>hohols have fifth wave of mobilization and now unirinically started to use women as a cannon fodder
>but the real cannon fodder are russians
This is not just simple bullshit, this is clinical denying of reality

Death to zoomers

literary me

Attached: file.png (158x478, 132.49K)

I wonder, what will happen if i just start masturbating there?

Re-assigned to Wagner

The guy staring directly into the camera looks alpha desu. All others are faggots.

That's the guy who would ask you for a smoke at 02:00

Fake and gay, I did this in high school as well. It's pre-conscription process. We just went to the office, got our dicks checked and went home.
But if that'd be true, Ukranian self-esteem'd be down as they lose 1/4 of their country to kids

Good lookin bunch of lads

They seem kinda defeated

God I'd love to fight some Russian twinks, pls invade us Russia. However knowing your army's "traditions", their bussy will be ruined before I get the chance