Pedophiles are terrib--

And your response?

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some of them got the justice, all should've been publicly hanged.

>Simone de Beauvoir
>Lewis Carrol
>García Lorca

I would personally tell them to kill themselves, yes.

>When the mean age was 40 people had sex younger
Just because something was acceptable when we did not know any better, that does not mean it is acceptable now

Only those ones? So you admit some are good?

more proof alll pedos are white, exterminate all whites and pedophilia will disappear overnight

>>When the mean age was 40
You know that's just because there were more deaths at birth, right? As long as you survived past your birth and early infancy, you tended to live about as long as people did now. So, there's your argument completely obliterated.

Stealth put Muhammad in there and repost

All of them are going to hell and you too faggot weirdo

I don't have a problem with Alexander, Aristotle, Da Vinci, Socrates, Caesar, Plato, Pindar and Shakespeare.

The mean age being 40 only means that many children died at birth, dragging the average life expectancy down, if we don't count childbirth complications, the average life expectancy would be of 70/80 years.

No it means people were more conscious of fertility you idiot.

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All bunch of fiction writers, nothing of real value

This. There is a difference between marrying a 13 year old girl back in the day and the rape, torture and murder of children that jewsish globohomo does now.

So will not starving

obviously the average person isn't governed by logic but it's hilarious they can accept that a person can be born feeling attraction to the same sex or be born feeling as if they were born in the wrong body and yet being born feeling attracted to younger people is off the table and impossible. Obviously the explanation is blind adherence to culture but it's just funny to me. I'm not even a supporter of pedophiles. I just like to point out how simple minded the masses are. How pedestrian their thoughts

I'll just share a story.

I was in an all boys school when I was 12 years old.
The homeroom teacher and I were left alone after class, I don't even remember why I was there.
He asked me if I was circumcised. I embarrassingly said yes.

Old enough to bleed old enough to breed. But being a manchild NEET who wastes hundreds of hours on imageboards leaves you with a blind spot for the deleterious effects of infantilization.

Gay bait. Just because it was common in ancient Athens to fuck underage boys doesn’t mean that Plato, Aristotle or Socrates engaged in it. It’s like me assuming OP drinks a gallon of corn syrup and cries about his missing foreskin every morning while singing the Israeli national anthem in his trailer - highly likely, but can’t make that claim definitively.

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slide thread full of gullible faggots

Can't handle opposing ideas?

I don't care for any of these faggot losers at all.

and your response?

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>Alexander the Great

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>tmw no Greek mommy poet to diddle you

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You forgot God.
Numbers 31:18 KJV
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

And remember, the gods were all pedophiles.