Americans are this fat. This is real

Americans are this fat. This is real.

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Probably rare though.

Oh user you really need to read more emt horror stories regarding the fat ones.
The shoe one is a classic.

So much good food, how do you not eat it all?

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>no cap
information discarded

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Here's a classic I have saved.

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It's probably pretty hard to get obese off straight veggies and fruits. You need processed foods that are packed with fats, carbs, sugars and all the other shit they throw in it.

Yeah that one lol
/fph/ on Any Forums always has such great stories

Health care is like 20% of the reason hospital bills are what they are. These are the TikTok dancer nurses and the hospital directors who didnt stock more than a weeks worth of masks/gloves until March 2020, 3 whole fucking months after us retarded were freaking out to China webms. Now they're paying SeaWorld fuck knows how much money to use some sort of mini-tractor with a thick canvas blanket for moving cows or whatever. Fucking idiots man, gossiping and discussing the Kardashias and online shopping for $25/hr while their patients die and then calling themselves heroes. Fucking garbage people raping society like leeches.

jesus titty fucking....

Yes being 5'2 @ 200 lbs is perfectly healthy and mutt lifestyle

frfr? ong?

China is catching up or already beat the US in most fat fucks. Over 50 percent of chinks are obese and now china is the country with the most diabetics

you need seed oil.

Can confirm. Have family that works in radiology and they work in a hospital where they remarked on this on more than one occasion.

*they work in a hospital in San Diego

Meant to clarify that

Lmao even

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>no cap
Fr fr?

I used to be in EMT and there was this one guy who had a heart attack in his home and he weighed close to 500lbs. It took eight people to pick him up and the ass-end of the ambulance looked like it was about to drag on the ground once we got him onboard.

If that was true places without a sea world wouldn't be able to mri fatties

Every single fat person in existence is capable of losing the weight and any explanation they give is a pure excuse for being a lazy, CPAP using, butter-scented abomination. The only fat people I accept are the ones that know their condition, and are perfectly fine with it themselves and will openly admit what they are.

Can confirm, i went from like 175lbs to 250lbs in the last 2 years from all the beer. 5'11" height

Yeah, no. If you're fat enough as to where the normal human-sized MRI scanner is not big enough for you to fit in and they have to borrow equipment from SeaWorld designed for literal whales, then you can go fuck yourself. That's on the fatty, not the doctors or hospitals. Those guys are scummy too, don't get me wrong. But in this instance they're not actually doing anything wrong.

A couple of years ago people noticed one day contractors busting out an exterior wall. Then they got a "forklift", it had a telescoping arm that went inside the house and lifted a fat guy out. Everybody was saying "did you know that guy lived there?"

The woman who was so fat she didn't realize she got pregnant, miscarried, and discharged the fetus into her fat rolls is truly lovecraftian horror

They just go to a zoo retard

>The only fat people I accept are the ones that know their condition, and are perfectly fine with it themselves and will openly admit what they are.
This unironically. They understand it's not the best thing and don't try to encourage the behavior but they've made their choice. Especially true for chefs. Like when you can make the tastiest food and you're surrounded by it all the time and passionate about your craft, why shouldn't you eat it?

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I fucking hate nurses. Go dance and complain more you fucking retards

This was depressing as fuck. what could have led him to get like that in the first place? what a way to die.

I gain like 3-5 lbs when I drink to much, so I go to the gym drunk and get my pump on. I am in really good shape, but my liver is probably cursing my name. Probably still healthier than most Americans.

Don't "yeah, no" me, woman. What they did wrong was paying SeaWorld some ungodly amount of money instead of saying "we can't help you, go home" or taking 5 minutes and putting up a craigslist ad to find some redneck fucking Cletus with a cow hammock. $40 tops. Those fat sheboon Belugas' insurance companies are getting $5mm bills and everyone else is picking up the tab on our private rates.

You can be fat and healthy

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'least this dude draws his comics with his actual body
not like a certain blue bear persona

That's nothing. I was a fire fighter and there was a woman that was almost the entire width of a king sized bed. We had to get her down a flight of stairs and actually needed to roll the winch bus to get her fat ass on the ambulance. I don't remember how many dudes it took but the rescue truck, pumper and two buses were there, plus pd. She had to weigh north of 600

His small penis, leaf.

But that's how you know it's true.