Can a military expert explain why Russia is having a hard time invading a country that’s just farm land in every...

Can a military expert explain why Russia is having a hard time invading a country that’s just farm land in every direction? This isn’t like Afghanistan that has mountains or Vietnam with its jungles.

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The fields turn into boggy tank traps (also full of mines) when flooded. It's next to impossible to drive a 50 ton tank through it without it sinking up to the turret.

That banker war is supposed to be stretched out as long as possible. Have you not been paying attention?

>challenge: invade a nation without killing the locals

America status: never succeeded

No one here is a military expert, user.

Do we need a military expert to tell us why Babylon puts on a charade in order to keep the masses asleep, afraid, and accepting of their servitude?

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Russia is weak af
Why does it get to sit on a pile of valuable stuff?

Why would you want to do that?

Pfffft. Watch a little more TV. The Donbas regions are secured.
It's just Zelensky's terroristic attacks on two independent regions now.
Basically they are swatting annoying gnats.

It is big
It was prepared
Russias millitary is mediocre
They have a large population willing to die fighting
Russias numbers are very small compared to theirs

I hate stealth missions not ganna lie

Yes. It’s a show to provide plausible deniability for globohomo gorking the West.

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peace is expensive

The children never pay attention when the teacher is telling them the parts that will be on the test.

because they failed to properly integrate their armed forces to function as combined arms

>explain why
real time satellite and drone coverage
unlimited supplies of weapons and money

War of attrition is russia bread and butter. Are you sure this isn't what they want. Look at what is happening in europe.

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>Can a military expert explain why Russia is having a hard time invading a country that’s just farm land in every direction? This isn’t like Afghanistan that has mountains or Vietnam with its jungles.
Military expert here. It is because Russia has not officially invaded.
If anyone questions my expertise, I'll have you know that I've participated, and full cleared, Warcraft, Warcraft II, Starcraft, Age of Empires (1, 2, and the expansions), as well as Total Annihilation. On a more individual-level, I have also cleared several of the Halo games, and a few other FPS games (Such as medal of honor and early call of duty games), but also took part in Planet Side raids and played a lot of multiplayer Tribes, counter-strike (both the early-day mods, 1.6, source, as well as GO for a few months), team fortress classic, and I declined a blowjob from your mother.

Ukraine is the biggest country in Europe. Russia is corrupt dump run by zionist kikes. You do the calculus.

You dont go to war and half ass the job.
You gotta kill everything and everyone.. men women and children.