Did this guy die?

This Ice Age Farmer guy was putting out a lot of content, then all of a sudden he just stopped. Looks like nothing since May? Did he die?

Lots of small-time alt media people been either disappearing or getting on the leash recently.

Gonna be harder to figure out what is going on when they come in for the next round.

Attached: farmer.jpg (1280x720, 121.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


His Telegram channel seems to still be active:
There is an article posted from today.
He is a farmer... maybe he's been busy all summer farming.

Attached: image_2022-09-07_172156418.png (542x729, 291.8K)

He’s too busy preparing for the next ice age.

Here's a message he posted a couple days ago.

Attached: image_2022-09-07_172704903.png (540x515, 91.57K)

>He is a farmer.
No he isn't, that's just the name of his dumb online persona you stupid nigger.

I will hunt you down, shove a screwdriver into your ear, give you a tracheotomy with a rusty butter knife, and use your lungs as my personal colostomy bag, you rancid-nigger-semen-guzzling subhuman piece of subhuman shit.

Also, yes, Christian actually IS a farmer, he owns land, grows food, collects seeds, raises small livestock, etc. He's not an industrial-scale farmer but he's definitely a homesteader who grows most of his own food.


>he's not a farmer but he's not a farmer so that makes him a farmer still
Are you high? A 85 IQ dipshit that has chickens, sort of, sometimes, is not a farmer.

i didnt know he had a telegram. it is not linked from his website. i dont use telegram. 'give us your phone number to sign up.' - how about no?

Attached: day of the rake.jpg (1000x667, 244.99K)

anyone depending on YT is a retard, especially OP

>give us your phone number to sign up
I could view it without any bullshit.
Just click "Preview Channel".

Attached: image_2022-09-07_181325716.png (418x508, 47.69K)

he had some good catches on obscure news stories and stuff like that. not sure what is up with his website.

i have noticed a lot of alt people seem to be having trouble. some of them just straight up saying they have been told not to talk about certain things, or do certain things. i can think of three just off the top of my head. don't know if this guy got a visit as well, or what.

Nobody said anything about JewTube.

i see. looks fairly active. that is good news. message remains the same- stock up now.

>some of them just straight up saying they have been told not to talk about certain things, or do certain things.
That's the only way to handle it.
If feds harassed me, the very first thing I would do is tell the entire world about it, because fuck glownigger intimidation tactics.

Who are the three alt-media people harassed by glowies? What did they say happened?


these are way out there...actually i dont even want to write all of them.

but one is dick allgire. he has at least two videos where he says he has been told he is only allowed to talk about certain subjects. i think he even has one where he kind of has to apologize for getting off the reservation. he is a remote viewing guy.

another one is this guy la marzulli. he is some kind of christian ufo researcher or something. he had a podcast about political stuff. i dont often watch his videos, but i watched one the other day, and he basically said he was told to cool it with the politics and stick to UFOS and nephilim and stuff like that.

He's alive. All the real people have been fading out. They know it's over and it's about to get real. Some folks even did that 2.5 years ago. Really nothing more to say on all this. If you don't have your crops going... you will die.

on that subject. i went all out this year growing my own stuff. i think the drought sent all the animals after my food. although it started out well, by the time i went to harvest, the crop was pretty poor. something to watch out for.

>remote viewing guy
Is that the same guy who was being shilled non-stop a few months ago because he drew pictures of little tentacled monsters that looked vaguely like the white clots being pulled out of vaxxies?

> la marzulli
Don't know what to think of that guy. He's like a hardcore-Christian version of the "Ancient Aliens" characters. I can't tell if he's sincere or just a grifter; he's got a real "showman" personality. He travels the same circles as Steve Quayle, who I think is sincere, but kind of deluded because he views everything through a Biblical lens.

I do think these alt-media guys get calls from feds. I listen to Dave Hodges occasionally and he's mentioned having visits from disguised feds, or seeing cars parked outside his house in the middle of nowhere, or receiving phone calls. It seems that glowniggers rely heavily on intimidation tactics to try to shut people up. I guess it works sometimes, because a lot of people are just cowards.

no, i think that was a different one. i did see that video, but i didnt recognize the guy who did it. dick allgire was big into cryptocurrencies for a while. not sure if he still is.

another one i just thought of is clif high. he had a period during covid where every single video he made had a public service announcement not to hate the jews and don't try to get revenge on the elite that fucked everyone over. it was so transparent.

>by the time i went to harvest, the crop was pretty poor.
I grew almost all potatoes this year in my modest garden, hoping to have a massive harvest for the winter, but most of the stalks died a month sooner than they normally would. I'm almost afraid to dig them up, for fear that nothing grew. Don't know if it's UV-C radiation levels, or Stratospheric Aerosol Injection chemicals poisoning the soil, or if it's just a fluke, or what. Something's fucked, that's for sure.

>They know it's over and it's about to get real.
Yep. We are in for hard times.