The Lotus Sutra says that any person who will recite one verse, one word...

The Lotus Sutra says that any person who will recite one verse, one word, one syllabe or the title of the Sutra would be freed from the cycle of reincarnation forever. This doctrine was preached by the Buddha Shakyamuni two thousands years ago and Nichiren Daishonin (sadhu sadhu sadhu) proclaimed it to the whole world with zeal and assurance that he would be saved. No matter how many conspiracies were plotted against him, because Nichiren Daishonin (sadhu sadhu sadhu) survived them all and died surrounded by his disciples.

Attached: Nichiren+Statue.jpg (460x700, 62.98K)

So basically in Buddhism there's two kinds of scripture. Stuff Buddha actually said and did, and other stuff people made up afterward.

>indians need to make up crap like this to get tourism money

The other teachings are provisional sutras, some of them are authentic and others aren't

So it's clear you don't know about Buddhism. All the Buddhists got together after the Buddha died and nailed down his sayings. The stuff from after this period was created to mainly convert Hindus. It's why many Buddhist stories involve him besting the Hindu gods.

Jonang Buddhism > any other form of Buddhism

Yes, that doesn't deny that they weren't his teachings even if they were adapted to convert hindus.

Yes it does actually. Heck to this day, it's popular for certain Buddhist sects such as in Tibet, to rummage around the rocks until they claim they found hidden sutras written on them. Of course you can never find these rocks, they're like the equivalent of the Mormon plates.

Buddhism isn't about reading texts. It is about practice. Sidartha himself said that if anything he teaches isn't useful then throw it out and ignore him.

He didn't say, add in stuff he never said and believe that though.

He actually did. Because we are all Buddha.

He didn't but it's funny to watch people who haven't at least studied the very basics of Buddhism squirm. I'm not even saying the sutras invented by Buddhists to boost their religion or teach moral lessons are bad or wrong. Take the Diamond Sutra, it's not from Buddha but it succinctly explains the nature of consciousness. It's useful for even non-Buddhists to study. But it's an add-on to the Buddhist canon.

That's an abrahamic and anti-buddist statement. Buddha gave countless methods precisely because he believed that religion should be like a hat - one should have one that fits. That throws the one-true-path-ism into the trash.

It was literally his last teaching. The one he saved for last because it was that important.

>I know basics!
Good for you. Keep working on your practice I hope you too break free of the wheel.

>It was literally his last teaching.
Define "it," Buddha didn't say "just make up your own garbage and believe that as if it came from me" anywhere.

Careful what you believe, chanting a mantra won't release you from samsara. But lots of sects will tell you it does. There are Christians who think saying hallelujah will save you too. Seems like a lot of teachings are devolved as time goes on. Buddha said this would happen.

If I see the buddha on the road, I stop and kill him. You can keep your unsolicited advice.

Correct. That's why Theravada makes the most sense to me.

>If I see the buddha on the road, I stop and kill him.
This is something somebody made up long after Buddha passed on.

There are actually zero of the original "orthodox" Buddhist sects around these days. Everything has extra stuff in there.

What is original orthodox Buddhism?

The Dalai lama said so.

That's not an argument. But thank you for keeping your advice to yourself.

I'm not Abrahamic so just shut the fuck up you dumb new age hippy faggot who doesn't have the slightest clue about Buddhism

Gautama was a fucking retard then. All these fuckers spending decades trying to reach a fraction of enlightenment across tens of thousands of lives? They should have just said the magic word lol.

Jonangpa don't care for the DL nor the one he has placed as the seat of Jonang

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

So that's why you're a faggot
got it

That nigger abandoned his wife and kids to sit under a tree and do jack shit for years but beg. fuck him

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Not being as big a loser as some fake Buddhist pseud is definitely something that helps me sleep at night

lol u mad

Why would I be? I have the fullness of Dharma

Then why you mad though?

It's called pre-sectarian Buddhism.

It is an argument. You can make up and believe anything you like, doesn't mean you're Buddhist. Lots of people make stuff up.

I'm not, why are you?

>You can make up and believe what ever you like, doesn't mean you are Buddhist.

No Real Scotsman fallacy aside. You aren't wrong. But it is about practice, not reading.