Checking our own biases

So I watched the first 2 episodes of Rings of Power over the weekend. I found the writing incredibly dumb, the dialogues cringeworthy, the plot dull and the action sequences lulzy.
When Galadriel (pic-related) took down the snow troll in the first episode, I laughed because it looked like something out of power rangers.

But then someone on reddit brought up a good point. Am I just criticizing the show because everyone is shitting on it or because my criticisms are valid? Am I criticizing the movie because I'm a misogynist and a racist?

You can look at the Peter Jackson movies and come up with equally cringey scenes that no one ever laughed at. For example, in Return of the King, Legolas single-handedly took down a 100-foot elephant with fancy acrobatics, yet no one criticized how "cringey" it was.

In the second episode, Galadriel jumped off the ship and was swimming back to middle earth. A lot of people thought the whole scene was dumb, as it was like someone jumping off in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and swimming back to Europe. Yet, in The Two Towers, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas ran over 134 miles in 3-4 days with little food and water yet aside from Gimli, neither Legolas or Aragorn appear to be tired. No one ever criticized Peter Jackson, The Two Towers or the characters for this incredible feat. So why then do I and everyone else criticize the Rings of Power when we give Peter Jackson's movies a free pass? Is it really due to legitimate criticisms or is it double standards?

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>or because my criticisms are valid?

There are equally dumb and unbelievable scenes in the Peter Jackson films that no one ever criticizes.

People criticize the snow troll fight scene, but do they criticize Legolas taking down a 100 ft elephant?


Don't care about your commie subversion.
I see through your bullshit attempt

> You can look at the Peter Jackson movies and come up with equally cringey scenes that no one ever laughed at.
Turns out you are just retarded. That shit has been mocked since day one.

there are equally dumb and unbelievable scenes in the books

that was twenty years ago and it had sovl

How long till Galadriel takes BBC to appease the woke mob?

Once u realize that the answer is kikes theres no real reason for introspection anymore. Its a useful device but its a means to an end. The ride never ends from here on out. The truth is that your criticisms are driven from mysogyny and racism, but thats what makes them valid and good. Youre watching jewish propaganda meant to mock and belittle you.

No it hasn't. Those movies are regarded as some of the best movies of all time. The same issues I see in the PJ trilogy I see in RoP, but people give the PJ trilogy a pass on those issues for some reason?
Is it because PJ is a man and the people performing incredible and unbelievable feats are male while RoP has incredible women?


lol, lotr movies are great, and they are well done, cry about it, nigger

Yes, I understand that, but why is it that RoP is getting so much nit-picking and criticisms that the books and PJ's movies seemed to avoid?

Only if it's BB tranny cock though

At the time people didn't like it however there were also genuinely SOUL scenes that this show will never have like boromirs death or the charge of the rohirrim

Also this thread is obviously written by a redditor, you are not making as good a point as you think you are.

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>Is it because PJ is a man
And there it is. Commie confirmed

>I laughed because it looked like something out of power rangers.
The shit is shit but you chose the worst reason to call it shit.

So if the show has equally emotional scenes like the the Rohirrim charge, would we all take back our criticisms of RoP?

>You can look at the Peter Jackson movies and come up with equally cringey scenes that no one ever laughed at. For example, in Return of the King, Legolas single-handedly took down a 100-foot elephant with fancy acrobatics, yet no one criticized how "cringey" it was.
>In the second episode, Galadriel jumped off the ship and was swimming back to middle earth. A lot of people thought the whole scene was dumb, as it was like someone jumping off in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and swimming back to Europe. Yet, in The Two Towers, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas ran over 134 miles in 3-4 days

They are men. Women don't fight in wars. Also she's just like the main character in the rip off Star Wars, she's literally the only likeable character and perfect in every way. No difference to the sw girl being better than every jedi ever with no training.

Fucking joke. I watched it and it just wasn't that good. That scene where they're breaking rocks with hammers - the whole khazad-dum thing - was a joke too. You just only care about what we think of the perfect angel ubermensch cause she's a woman.

Peter Jackson knows how to build suspense and you as a viewer can accept flaws as the movie is incredible exciting.
After 2 episodes RoP does not manage to build build any good suspense. In fact besides the CGI it's a ridiculous mediocre tv show.

it is a widely held belief that only the fellowship of the ring had soul because it was done with mostly practical effects. the other two, while critically beloved, divide fans with the heavy handed CGI usage (outside of gollum, which still holds up). i know many people that hated the 3rd movie because the green dead ghost army was immersion breaking for them.

the writing is dumb because it has to appeal to a dumbed down populous, dialogue is a component of this. plot is dull because it's meant to be a slow burn, and the action is just capeshit.

you're not holding these beliefs because you're a racist or misogynist or whatever they're telling you just to keep you on the modernity train. you're holding them because they're objectively true. many fans were hoping for a grounded, honest interpretation of the literary world of tolkein with less CGI bombast, and that's the true reason for the blowback. the race agenda and diversity shit is just a smoke screen so they can explain away detractors and poor reviews.

It has niggelves, that's 3 trikes right off the bat. Not even gonna pirate it.

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>Am I criticizing the movie because I'm a misogynist and a racist?
For me yeah, I criticize the show because it has niggers in it, I dont want niggers in my european high fantasy, especially in Tolkien related stuff since its a really classic piece of literature with no niggers in the lore, I pre-judge all niggers in Middle Earth and its the primary reason I wont watch it

>yet no one criticized how "cringey" it was.
That's not true though. Any Forums often criticizes this, the "dwarf tossing" scene, the surfing on the shield, etc.

This is the issue with you shills. You're dishonest. Ultimately with Jackson's LOTR, fans were able to forgive these small liberties for the most part. Some fans have gone so far as to edit them out, check your favorite torrent site for the edits.

So what about Legolas, then? He's the male Mary Sue. Why does no one criticize him?

I know it's hard for out of shape shut in faggots like you to understand, but covering 134 miles in 4 days is not some Herculean feat of endurance. Backpackers in good shape with full gear can easily cover that. 2-3 miles per hour for backpacking is pretty much normal, so if you had immensely gifted athletes who also were used to constantly traveling it wouldn't be hard.

I can write your tiresome reply if you pay me btw, we all know what tired hackneyed points you'll throw out. We could train an AI off Reddit and all three of us would arrive at the same answer.

Also why is Elrond 8 inches shorter? Why are the hobbits irish now?

It is simple, OP. The epic element hides the cringe moments. Hence why in the movies nobody said a thing about it.
The series, in contrast, have a woke element which nullifies the epic element. Wokedom destroy epicness, in every media. Instead of the epic hero, you have a leftist psychopath.
When Fellowship of the Ring was released, the woke crowd called it racist and compared it with the Matrix, which would be considered "progressive" by them. I remember a article from a leftie complaining there were only whites in the movie.


Im so happy i hate lord of the rings and never saw the movies or shows or read the books. I focus on my job making money and having fun with my sons. I recommend you all do the same. Stop watching talmudvision.

Yeah but lets be real, there won't be. Having the protag being a near godlike being was a bad move imo. Galadriel and the Elves should have been the B plot

>You can look at the Peter Jackson movies and come up with equally cringey scenes that no one ever laughed at. For example, in Return of the King, Legolas single-handedly took down a 100-foot elephant with fancy acrobatics, yet no one criticized how "cringey" it was.

people did laugh at that though. Also the only lord of the rings movie that was great start to finish was the fellowship. the second and third one are only saved because of the cool war scenes and action combat even if it is silly at times.

People were also very hard on the hobbit.

No one criticizes those scenes because it's a small stupid part in a very well written, cast, acted, and shot adaptation of the classic books. Very easily overlooked when taking the whole movies in.
People criticize the rangs of powa because it's a poorly shot, cast, acted, and written mess of oc donutsteel shit. These kind of stupid scenes in a terrible show just make it even more prominent. Also rangs of powa has absolutely no soul in it.

>Resident Evil movie series created by white men, it's good
>Resident Evil Netflix series created by a Jewish whore-bitch, it's total garbage
>LOTR series created by a white man, it's good
>LOTR show created by a random whore/faggot no one knows or cares for, it's garbage

There's a pattern here. If you can't see it, you're better off dead in a cement filled ditch.

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I criticize Legolas's stupid action scenes all the time. Wrong franchise. They worked ok in Pirates of the Caribbean because everyone had them, but just one character? so faggy.

Also, Samwise was an annoying whiny bitch in the last movie. I wanted to punch the director for ruining one of my favorite characters.

He's arrogant, unlikeable and aloof and is a racialist for the elves, who he obviously sees as rightful owners of the ring. He does impressive stuff in combat but that's built up to in the fellowship. He's not that likeable, though I take your point about his combat stuff being unrealistic.

Part of it is yeah, cause she's a woman and she's basically like Gabriel or something and I know the agenda that's being advanced and we're sick of it. I don't even care if they made something organic, but LOTR and SW are literally like, the two things male nerds loved the most except star trek (isn't Stacey Abrams captain now too?

>swimming 800 miles without rest is the same as jogging 30 miles a day for 4 days
why is the left ALWAYS like this?

Word. It's European legacy and woke americans are shitting on it with injecting its disgusting subhumans and the bile they deem "culture" into it.

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This its like saying because a film has 1:10 shit:kino ratio that means that my 10:1 ratio is the same. Its kinda like how libtards point to the rare criminal whites and say SEE SEE just like blacks.