
Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-07 12.49.17 PM.png (1366x768, 580.72K)

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uh huh. sure. I believe you. definitely

oh no!... no one cares. get the vax you fucking conspiracy theorist weirdo. I got it and im fine

Reminder: Vaccines literally contain organ cells harvested from the child sacrifice ritual called abortion

Attached: Full Vaccination: Status - Complete (2038).jpg (1267x772, 121.14K)

tl;dr white people are savages psyopped by jews

No way. Unvaxxed chad would punch every vax cuck to death.

way too many chudtuber channels now covering surrogate culture shock bait

> loser is loser. losers online impotently whine about his treatment. MORE AT 11

you're savages plain and simple, no jew needed

OP is desperate for attention.

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Good post, leaf. Christ be with you.

Embrace it. Become the demons they accuse you of being.
They have no fear because they know you aren't what they accuse you of being. Prove them wrong.

Just do it

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Last year, my daughter's elementary school teacher made the children clap for those of the kids who took the jab.

That's insane.

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Teacher should be fired. #FireMrGillis


No youre not. Youre canadian.

funny how most lefties seem to praise all that antifa shit when in reality they use the same "if you're not with us, you're against us" (although i'm not sure what's worse - killing people or treating them like shit the whole time, but i guess we'll see both soon) mentality and bully people to submission

>Teacher bullies student
>Teacher allows student to be bullied

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what's with the gay bowed-out distortion effect? nigga reading twitter in vrchat

What a time to be alive.
These people are going to create the next Hitler if they already haven't.

I'd be mad too if my blood was clotting and heart was failing

do you literally spend every day here posting the same tired edgy shit, because i see you quite often at the top of every thread

jesus your life is sorry

Yeah I personally know three people who have permanent side effects from the vaxx.

I’m never taking it and neither will my entire family. Suck it vaxxie, no refunds.

a fucking leaf.

This will turn more people into nazis

he's paid to be here bro

I'm in the wrong line of work. i get paid to ensure this process machinery stays running and end up shitpoasting all day for free. makes me feel like a scumbag jannie

No clydeposting allowed here

Ethan stopped using his tripcode recently but you're right we all know its him

Why are the vaccinated bullies, bros?

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>He has the biggest heart
Technically he has the smallest heart in the class

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