This was tweeted 12 minutes ago

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probably just more strikes on Russian military bases in the peninsula

I don't understand why western specops haven't blown those bridges up yet, there are meany western militaries that could reliabily do that without getting caught.

Why can't they just fight the damn war instead of constantly making these snarky tweets about it? Modernity is so fucking gay.

Blowing up bridges has consequences, i.e. it tends to render the shipping lanes dangerous and possibly impassible. If the (((goal))) is to try to retake Crimea, then the West is going to want to keep the bridge intact, right?

Also today Zaluzhnyi said that ATACMS was used for the Saky airbase strike on 9 August. Coincidence with the timing of this tweet? I think not. Footage of the saky airbase strike shows that ATACMS is massive. It could probably knock out an entire bridge.

Imagine being such an Ukie loser military that all you can do is shit tweet

This is some cringe shit for a government to be posting....

It isn't a war, but a media campaign to continue to grift money from the west and siphon it through the usual kickback channels. That's why the narrative is so important and why they waggle between "Russia is getting its ass kicked and is terrible" and "Russia is destroying Ukraine, and democracy can only be saved if you give a trillion dollars RIGHT NOW!!!" It's also why Zelensky always wears the same shirt; he's a mascot. All of this is a big Twitter information campaign, so they will act as tough as possible in front of the media. The ultimate goal is to extend the conflict as long as possible so that the Ukrain is depopulated and the EU is crippled.

>The ultimate goal is to extend the conflict as long as possible so that the Ukrain is depopulated and the EU is crippled.

This one got the point. And this scenario is profitable both for Russia and US.

why do jews talk like this? veiled insults designed to be obvious, i mean. its so... slimy
just like the jew himself
sage all jewkraibne and jewtin threads

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>focus your eyes South while we prepare shit for Russia's advance in the North
Only a fool would declare this before an invasion into Crimea if it were true. For it takes nothing away from the Russian forces in the north for the southern Russian forces to be on much higher alert. And the forces in the North will not be on lower alert levels due to it either.
so this means dumb ass trannies are indeed the decision makers in the majority of the wests forces.
The only possible good outcome from a declaration such as this is that it may make your enemy laugh so hard that he cant see for al the tears of laughter clouding his eyes, and you have a small chance to strike then before he quits rolling on the ground laughing, defenseless and blinded, from hilarity.

You think they're tweeting their military plans? It's propaganda

They mentioned Guinness book of records, have to admit it is pretty cool and funny

not my problem

>without getting caught
the entire world basically mobilized overnight and supposedly sent weapons to Ukraine so i dont think they care if people know they blew up a bridge

you have to be 18 to post

I'm 12 tho

>Laughs in base-16

ok but when putin says it's gonna be a long cold winter he's epic and based?

Holhols and Vodka Niggers are two sides of the same coin.

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Exactly. We don't even need to try to kill the EU anymore, they are killing themselves for us.

orcnigger sisters....

OK boomer

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