Are you prepared?

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Nukes are fake

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every fucking time

>stochastic nukes

Retarded disinfo faggots

We all wish, said it is true

Yes. I am ready to rape, pillage and plunder if I survive.

t. Nigger

Ukraine, EU commision are the enemies of their people.


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My body is ready

It’s been telegraphed for quite some time that an orchestrated limited nuke war would be used to traumatise the worlds population into ceding national authority to a world government.

They won't let Biden anywhere near the Nuclear Codes.
He doesn't even get to visit the real oval office.

Beloved Canadian actress Sarah Gadon says nothing ever happens.

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I think it's funny when people are so afraid of something that their only solution is to pretend it's fake
it's cute, like something a child would do

limited is a weakness word in terms of military phrases
>limited engagement
>limited strike
>limited nuclear war

it literally means nothing

>mild myocarditis
>limited nuke war
newspeak will kill us all.

it means that the propaganda machine is trying to get the plebs to swallow something unpleasant

can you hohols stop bombing your nuclear plant and your citizens? everyone knows you are doing this for money

was meant for


That'll be good for the environment.

Bro you don't understand they have these SUPER weapons that can blow up the entire earth... Trust us, thats why they've never been used before (except allegedly twice in Japan which could easily have been done with standard carpet bombing of the time but the government wouldn't lie about this)

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only tactical nukes, kids

No shits going to happen

They wish, fucking kike groups. Zelensky the kike is is (((one of them))). The London, UK jews.

>which could easily have been done with standard carpet bombing of the time
You fucking retard don't ever post again

> nukes are fake

Just like the fist from the bully…until it hits you in the face he didn‘t dare :-)

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This would be a fucking disaster
It would wipe out nearly 20% of global food staple exports
So of course its going to happen

Im getting tired of these "So and so says this about the war.....be scared" headlines. Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.

I trust Miguel Serrano over viscid ZOGbots

I wish you a cruel death of radiation poisoning after having directly witnessed that extremely bright flash from 30km afar ;)

> „why the hell am i disintegrating, i thought it was just a regular carpet bombing?“,

I do not give a fuck

Tokyo was raised with incendiary carpet bombing, but there is no chance the damage done to Hiroshima and Nagasaki could be anything else but a magical super weapon that was used to bluff the Japs into surrender.

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Let's hope this news sourced from Twitter isn't a disappointing nothing burger like everything else

Yay!!!! I get to die!!!!

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Ukraine military chief

Hopefully they’ll kick it off on 9/15

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Do not engage with "nukes are fake" posters they are a CIA psyop.

Just a coupla small nukes might be interesting - so long as they're a long way from where i live.

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Having recently read "The Third World War" written by General Hackett et. al (all contributors are high-ranking military), the predicted outcome was a limited nuclear exchange.

Granted, in that book it was set in 1984 with the USSR trying to take West Germany, but the end pf the conflict was the nuking of Birmingham which was responded to with the quad or octuple (I think two nukes each from four subs) nuking of Minsk.

The authors predicted work from home in 1979, so I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss limited nuclear exchange.


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>2 more nukes

I don't fear nukes

Seven nukes will detonate in eastern Europe soon.

almost digits, almost boobeams

>nukes contaminate Europe's breadbasket
>lol food shortages are even worse from now on dear gentiles
>but look, we have lots of bugs for you

The future looks bleak

Won't happen. Fake. Stop bluffing.

Nothing will happen
Nothing cool ever happens

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if you can avoid major cities, naval bases, major military installations like pine gap, exmouth, etc, you should be okay

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