How long vacation is too long?


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4 days is too long.

>bad timing

Can't believe this guy is one of Any Forumss heroes. What a joke.

is he a manlet?

lol a 'vacation' for me is going to the grocery store once a month. And it's only 1 mile away. I refuse to leave my house except to get food.

ugh imagine feeling obligated to sit in front of a camera and talk for hours and hours, having to constantly remind yourself that people care what you have to say?

>Can't believe this guy is one of Any Forumss heroes.


8 Weeks is just about right during the Summer.

Then you have Christmas vacation for 2 Weeks.

Then you have Easter Vacation for 11 Days.

Then you have the National Holiday.


So I'd say there is no such thing as too much vacation.Now if you will excuse me I'm off to my Cabin.

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Must be nice to live in an actual white country

i vacation 6 days a week, then work from home on wednesdays

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I'm not subscribed, but did Gavin make this joke at the expense of his own subscriber base? There were no shows multiple times, right? I like Gavin but the bit isn't funny and doesn't his money come mostly from his censored TV subscribers? It sounds stupid in a business sense to make this attempt of a joke that isn't funny and the people who pay your bills get the short end of the stick. It helped in making the stunt more believable, but won't he lose subscribers over it?

>Must be nice to live in an actual white country
it is

and as always, death to america

anything past 10 days
usually after 5 I want to go somewhere else

Dunno, but he has the gift of the gab. Why would you post a pic of yourself drinking and boating?

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Only Anglo-Saxon Protestants are considered White.Everyone else are varying degrees of Swarthy.Benjamin Franklin wrote that

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I'm happy that Gavin pulled the prank. It showed how much some on the right are virtue signalers and whiny faggots.
>b-b-but stolen valor! th-there are people locked up right now!!
So what faggot.

>still white
lmao even
your as bad or worse than us, you fucking retard

>Going to phone it in
Implying there will be a difference in quality.

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Please do

Your right this weeks is fucked now

They are dismantling the alt right psyop. It's suppose to make you feel defeated. This was all by design.

The people who built the ruins that he’s visiting would have sent him packing If not executed him for the queer shit he has done

Unless he says he he's fled the country then he's a traitor, if even that matters.

Daily Stormer tor address:

The more jews allowed, the more racemix

Shows and personas come and go, take whatever has value and don't invest any more of your faith, time or especially money than necessary. To be an internet persona requires an unstable character, so you can never put your faith in them. I found Gavin mildly entertaining and useful in 2016-17 but forgot about him afterwards. Besides, he was always a kike shill, he was only relevant as far as the culture war at the time with the left was concerned and no more.

>Daily Stormer tor address
Fucking really? Can we get a report wave going on this shit? (the post and the site)

Who gives a fuck

it's a dark web site