What is your country doing politically to fight holocaust denial?

What is your country doing politically to fight holocaust denial?

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Absolutely nothing, everyone knows that the holocaust happened; but Manchester United have won their last three games and Chelsea aren’t playing well.

Putting 94yo ladies in jail

That thread was hilariously clownworld

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people need to stop being blue pilled on the judicial system. judges can literally do what ever they want

When a lie is repeated often enough it becomes "Common Knowledge" and can't be refuted. In CDN.

We need education programs so that everyone understands that the word Holocaust means a wholly burnt sacrificial offering

No because then the courts will negate
Corpus Delicti" No body no death.

no dipshit, its letting you know that the world holocaust is wholly inapplicable and doesnt mean the same thing as genocide at all

It wasn't a genocide or a holocaust. Kikes just didn't want to play soccer with fags and retards.

>It wasn't a genocide or a holocaust.
this is true, I didnt say it was either, I just said a lot of people try to use the word genocide and use holocaust instead and treat them same.

if a holocaust happened in ww2, it was in dresden, all sacrificed to the jew egregore yhvh

and the 10000 christians killed in nagasaki

holocaust didn't happen. why would i spread lies about it happening when it clearly didn't?

A totally burnt body? It may not mean the same as genocide, but it can be interpreted incorrectly . Suggesting one can claim a death happened without proof, without a corpse.

In Hungary it is illegal to deny and also illegal to "relativize it". Whatever that means I am not sure but you can get punished with jail. The law does not reference the historical works that are not allowed to deny. So technically there is something that we must not deny but we are not provided the details what that is. For this reason the only safe way is to not talk about the issue. I would not want to be a history teacher in this legal environment for sure.

>a wholly burnt ritual sacrifice
its a very specific thing

Money. Survivors got compensation. The allies also wanted post war justification for the bombing of civilians.

It's basically, not a thing as it doesn't exist.

It didn’t happen but it should have.

>everyone knows that
> brit

checks out

Distract from crimes committed by Jewish Bolshevism.