
Can we compile a list of leftist newspeak? All I can think of right now is

>birthing person/people
>undocumented immigrant
>white fragility

Attached: newspeak.jpg (178x283, 12.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>cognitive dissonance
>conspiracy theory
>2 more weeks


>white privilege


ive more interested in rightist newspeak desu

>now let's give the pol defs for "their" newspeak words
normal ppl
>undocumented immigrant:
border jumpers
>birthing person
real female

While vaccine isn't nessecerily newspeak, it might as well be since it no longer means "immune"


"I identify as [my wallet and the man who pickpocketed me]". They delete the required reflexive object (i. e., myself) of the transitive verb "identify" to give the illusion of their "identification" being an objective fact.

That's agent deletion. See also "governance".
"Cis" only ever described geometric, spatial and topological things. It was never meant to describe anything abstract, especially empty notional mental constructs like "gender".

Of course you are, glownigger newfag.

>Gender reassignment surgery
Reassigns mutilated healthy, functional penises and breasts to the medical waste bin.

Just female, or woman, there's no such thing as a real woman, "fake women" are just trannies.

>touch grass
>bodies (referring to people)
>pedophilia (referring to an attraction to post pubescent women under 18)
>Bechdel test
>correlation does not equal causation

The latest incarnation, "gender affirmation surgery," is even worse.

Generally, rightist propaganda is orthophemistic where the standard usage sugar-coats or dysphemistic. Leftists. except for name-calling polemic terms, tends toward euphemism.


>>bodies (referring to people)
What's with that?

Pronouncing Kyiv as "Keev" instead of Key-Ev.

Also spelling it "Kyiv" instead of Kiev.

Attached: Facecrime.jpg (942x1039, 228.47K)

>non binary
>dead name

Asian Grooming Gang (TM)
Because pakis sexual slavery organized crime won't do.

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"Antivax" to denote someone who has nothing against injecting attenuated pathogens or subunits to confer immunity to infectious disease. You can get called that even if you're up-to-date on covid boosters but don't think they should be mandatory. It's like a guy against marijuana laws getting called "anti-cannabis" because he doesn't smoke it himself or think everybody should be mandated by law to take two bong hits a day.

And of course, let's not forget the mother of all newspeak.

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No idea. Maybe they're incapable of being people because they don't have souls so they are literally just bodies. Probably just a way for blacks to try and sound more intelligent.

I always thought it meant giving the girls stylish haircuts, teaching them the latest make-up techniques or putting them on a fast track to an executive position.

Changing the meaning of recession and woman.

incel is just a scary word to replace 'virgin', as nobody would agree to a media blitz against virgins

I'm more worried about the deletions than the additions, frankly

Attached: Bigot (in 2019).jpg (474x173, 18.35K)