Why are Anglos salty about South Africa?

White people are newcomers there, it was always the land of black people no matter what nig tribe lived there.

Are blacks in SA racist? Yes, but there is nothing wrong with that. If Anglos in the UK were more racist, they would live much better.

Anglos had a good run in SA now its time to come back home.

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The same should be said for Europe. Muslims and niggers should fuck off back to Africa/Middle East.

Because Africa was better off for everybody under colonial rule.

With the global standard going down and times of scarcity coming do Anglos really want to stay in SA?

The sun has gone down on the British and their offspring. The wealth that came with the empire and robbery is spent.

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I agree, but everybody seems to prefer going against the wind.
Better for whites but blacks do not care about all those things to them it is all the same.

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Niggers are by definition too stupid to exist. It is irrelevant that they didn't appreciate what whites did for them. Same as with segregation here.
>whites leave Jackson MS
>Jackson has literally black water now
Are you winning brotha?

Still, people should have their own country if the majority of blacks want a different SA they should have it.

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Then as asks why are they allowed to leave?

The Western elite wants it that way, it was not the mugs made, it is possible it was the western elite that wants them to come.

You do not blame someone who you think is stupid for the moves

Attached: Johannesburg, South Africa in the Late 1960s (20).jpg (800x539, 82.63K)

I don't blame the Africans for it because I know it isn't them behind decolonization and desegregation. But those systems ending was harmful to them which tells you it was never about helping them with self rule.

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Most of the Anglos who could leave left South Africa long ago. most of the whites still there are Afrikaners who can't leave and have been there for 400 years when South Africa was mostly empty.

>Country with 11 official languages and multiple ethnic groups
>"Mostly empty "

Were the Bantus there when the dutch east India trading company was set up?
Perhaps you should know your history!

It’s funny how ignorant some posters are.

When the Boers (not Anglos you dumb shit) arrived most of South Africa was empty. The few inhabitants were the hunter gather Khoisan which were pushed away by the Dutch towards less fertile lands.

The Anglos arrived which pushed the Boers to the North as they wanted to avoid being ruled by them.

Eventually gold was discovered in the North which led to the Anglos forcing themselves on the Boers

Meanwhile the increase of food availability through whites farming led to Bantus mass migrating to South Africa which led them to become a super majority of the population.

The Khoisan are as genetically different from the Bantus as the Turks are from the English (if not more)

Yea now, along with millions of immigrants from the rest of Africa. Back in 1700 it was empty, which is what the Voortrekkers (Pioneers) were all about, they rode on horseback to escape the British from Cape Town to Johannesburg and founded it and they could do that because it was mostly empty land apart from the occasional Khoisan.

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1830s (Dutch arrived in the 1600s)

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>Yea now, along with millions of immigrants from the rest of Africa.
Which black South African group arrived from elsewhere in Africa?

>Back in 1700 it was empty
Lol there's no source other than Any Forums which perpetuates this myth. South Africa supposedly being 'empty' wasn't even taught in schools during Apartheid.

>which is what the Voortrekkers (Pioneers) were all about, they rode on horseback to escape the British from Cape Town to Johannesburg and founded it and they could do that because it was mostly empty
land apart
The Voortrekkers ran straight into and clashed with the Ndebele tribe after leaving Cape Town when the British abolished slavery.

>Apart from the occasional Khoisan.
The Khoisan mostly resided in the Western and Eastern Cape region. Other black ethnic groups were living in the rest of South Africa.

>South Africa was empty

>ignores all my other points
>unable to quote me properly

Lol, lmao even

What's your sauce guys?

Bantu are not native to SA. The Khoisan are the natives, and they get on with whites fine, and Bantu ooga booga savages treat them like shit.

It's still empty even with 60million people because it's almost as big as America. In 1800s the population remained mostly static with 1 million people, imagine 1 million people in a country the size of America.

the first nationwide census was done in 1911 and there were 1.2 million whites for a total population of 5 million, so whites were about 25% of the population. there are no reliable population statistics before that because the Africans mostly lived in tribes in the far east and north and the whites were in the Cape, but when they began to trek out it was still mostly empty. South Africa as a country didn't even exist then anyway, which is how they were able to found a bunch of Boer Republics. Africans lived in their areas which is how they were able to create mini ethnostates for them (Bantustans).

My point being the idea that some white Brits arrived in a country with 60 million black people a few decades ago and oppressed them and now should go home is ignorant.

Attached: territories-Bantustan-South-Africa.jpg (2000x1628, 874.11K)

you know nothing of our history, but agreed anglos can fuck off

>>Apart from the occasional Khoisan.
>The Khoisan mostly resided in the Western and Eastern Cape region. Other black ethnic groups were living in the rest of South Africa.
only because the bantus ate and genocided them to the point where the only remnants are in deserts

the population also includes Coloureds who speak Dutch but are mixed race and Indians who the British brought. including them probably brings the 1911 population to 50% non-bantu, in the west near 90%

>What's your sauce guys?
Literally type "Early South African history " into Google. Nobody says our neighboring countries Namibia,Botswana or Mozambique was 'empty'.

It was. Not only does this square with every contemporary account, but consider how they set up farms if the land was already settled?

the term "Voortrekker" (Trekkers) implies they are entering the great unknown wilderness, they didn't call themselves "Kaffir Cleanup Squad". even now Namibia is empty for a country of its size, you can travel for days in the desert and not meet anyone. the same is true in South Africa in some regions

>only because the bantus ate and genocided them to the point where the only remnants are in desert
Was that before or after the Khoisan joined forces with the Bantus to fight the British in the 100 year frontier wars? There's no Khoisan group in South Africa which claims that they were genocided by the Bantu. Their grievances is almost always with the Dutch.