When will /poltards take responsibility for their own actions...

When will /poltards take responsibility for their own actions? Why are those complaining about the "downfall of the west because of da j00z" usually low-life NEETs or autistic social recluses working menial labor jobs?

Attached: 6sir2v.jpg (500x680, 68.94K)

>be me
>trying to fly hot air balloon
>remove weight
>its da weights
see how this works

>be me
>trying to fly hot air balloon
>remove weight
>its da weights
see how this works

waste of digits defending kikes

in case you missed it, the jews are the weights


So da j00z are personally dragging you down? Every failure in your life happens cause of the evil globalists jooz putting weight on you and has nothing to do with you being lazy and unsocial NEET?

>be me
>trying to fly hot air balloon
>remove weight
>its da weights
see how this works

you would be the weight in his example ..

how am i lazy? i figured out why i wasnt flying and removed the weight? additionally i have a hot air balloon. which didnt appear out of no where, but somewhere along the way every person will encounter something dragging them down, and it will be a jew

>When will /poltards take responsibility for their own actions
Any Forums destroyed the west?

Do you really think that 30% of young men being unemployed and living with their parents is because of their personal choices and not because of larger societal pressures?

the question is how soon or how late will someone encounter a jew. some people encounter a jew instantly and are weighted down forever, while others reach the heavens only to reach a jew and can proceed no further

I'm not complaining about the downfall of the west, I fully support it. Not only do I support it, I hppe whoever takes over next erases western history to the best of their abilities, so the world no longer has to live with that filth ever again.

>be me
>trying to fly hot air balloon
>remove weight
>its da weights
see how this works

>it's da joos
>so you admit to being btfo by an inferior race
>no acshually it's because they are morally bankrupt ummm in a real STRUGGLE we would win because muh whiteness

Attached: download.jpg (600x603, 45.66K)

Lurk more. Sage

i thought joos was smart?
youse is the weights

just accoridng to the media religion normal people do not use the intertet, only autists and degenerates. It's bullshit, but that's what the media believes and will push it forever.

No Any Forumstard contributed to destroying the west.
What everyone can see: It's politicians.
The only differences Any Forumsacks have on the suspect is if it's the jews or jesuits.

>low-life NEETs or autistic social recluses working menial labor jobs?
I think you're projecting.
I haven't heard so many people be antisemitic until I started working a meaningful job.
I know it.
They know it.
Everybody knows it.
Only retard NEETs or people in school don't know it because they don't have real world experience yet.
I've also heard everybody I work with say "nigger" at least once.

posts normie bluepill stupidity and feels mug about it

>what is sociology?
>what is economics?

dumb fuck. your ancestors are ashamed of you

i just really like the idea of killing all the jews, what's so wrong with that?


Attached: 6tzzhhyjubi31.jpg (1433x947, 547.35K)

>be germ
>primary target of the jews in the last century
>so full of jewish and soviet propaganda induced and germ government enforced holobunga guilt that he posts trash like this

Attached: Honkler.gif (498x498, 1.75M)

>"Why are people who face more precarity than average more inclined to investigate the root cause of social issues?"

All fields

>>primary target of the jews in the last century
thanks america and ussr

>be me
>try to build chair.
>get splinter

>be me
>trying to fly hot air balloon
>remove weight
>its da weights
see how this works

Fixed your shit meme, OP

Go fuck yourself

Attached: Working Class Meets Neoliberalism.jpg (500x680, 158.82K)

They haven't got nothing to lose so they dont give a fuck about social clout so they dont need to pretend they like niggers/trannies or other current things like covid vaccines and have a lot of time on their hands to read literature like culture of critique which meticulously documents all the harmful jewish social and political movements of the past 100 years, people who are autistic often focus on truth autistically, if you are a professor in university you will get fired for saying race exist, construction worker wont be fired and social recluses dont have jobs so they dont care

Henry Ford

> i figured out why i wasnt flying and removed the weight?
so how does that figure translate to real life, aren't jews supposed to be all-controlling entities - how did you easily "cut them off"?

> every person will encounter something dragging them down, and it will be a jew
about 99% of all things stopping you are non-jew related, even if you subscribe to the j0000 theory

> 30% of young men being unemployed
yes, lazy zoomers choose not to work

> What everyone can see: It's politicians.
So maybe what you are saying is that our capitalistic/democratic system is not perfect as it tends to go on a similar trajectory? Just blaming (((them))) without evidence/numbers or even a working theory of their systemic affects throughout all western countries seems lazy.

Hans you look retarded posting that picture. The concept of red-pill means becoming aware of what is really happening, so your depiction of becoming aware is self destructive.