Europe is Literally Collapsing

Europe is going to descend into poverty, chaos, and despair in the next couple of years and no one seems to have really accepted just how bad things are going to get.

This is a literal happening but every time you mention it on Any Forums a bunch of Polish and Italian anons flood the thread saying its exaggeration and doom porn.

Europe needs to wake the fuck up. This isn't about having a cold winter. YOUR WHOLE ECONOMY is going to get DECIMATED.

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There won't be any deindustrialization, the owners will go bankrupt, then the government steps in and buys it all for pennies- putting all industrial capacity in the hands of the EU elites, then the owners eat the bugs and enjoy the great reset which they thought themselves to be immune from.

We know, but what can we do? people are goycattle. We already know whats coming, its normies that won't react until the last second.

Not my problem

I dont understand the denial. the numbers are very clear. there is not and will not be enough energy for businesses to operate. they will have to close. do they think the energy will just appear soon and everything will be normal?

Europe is strong. We have our eastern european brothers who know their way around post-soviet-tier economic hellscape. And we have plenty of Ukranian businessmen to help us kick start our private sectors.

>Europe collapsing
Aren't you glad we got out in time?

>There won't be any deindustrialization, the owners will go bankrupt, then the government steps in and buys it all for pennies- putting all industrial capacity in the hands of the EU elites, then the owners eat the bugs and enjoy the great reset which they thought themselves to be immune from.
You know, I really fucking hate it when a kike has a good take.
1. Because it is a kike saying it
2. Because the kike likely takes pleasure is the implication or conclusion of what he is saying, which always includes some form of destruction of Western Civ or White People

This is what we need

>Aren't you glad we got out in time?
Bro, I am going back home to fucking CARDIFF in December.

People love to make a fuss about hot summers being dangerous and how they kill people. Everyone seems to have forgotten what winter is like without heat.

That's why you should throw all your used batteries directly into the oceans

If ye doth fuck around, ye shalt find out - in the bible somewhere

Just burn a jew or a faggot if you get cold

People also forget how smokey a city can get when everyones burning wood for heat.

Honestly it will be the best thing that could happen to them. It may kill off Liberalism. Good times create weak men, soft ideas dominate. Hard times create hard men. Realism dominates.

Save a tree, burn a jew

>Ukranian businessmen
You mean strippers?

Good, I will rape and pillage during the chaos. Even eat human flesh if I have to.

>People love to make a fuss about hot summers being dangerous and how they kill people. Everyone seems to have forgotten what winter is like without heat.
Again, Europeans have to worry WAY LESS about being cold than they have to worry about losing ALL of their Industry.

People will survive the winter fine if they have shelter and blankets.
European industry wont. In Germany alone 20 Billion of Gas imports result in 2 TRILLION of value added product.
In other words, gas as a production input results in 2 TRILLION of GDP. The leverage on that is INSANE. Take away the gas input and you lose 2 TRILLION of revenue.

THAT is the problem, and that is only Germany. This will hit Germany, France, the UK, and Italy.
Once an area becomes completely deindustrialized, it does not just come back. Look at the rust belt in the US or Detroit. That is future of all of Western Europe.

And no, none of this is hyperbolic. That is the REAL future Europeans face.

the summoning has begun
there will be sacrifice