Dude, someone died x months after taking the vaccine, must have been the vaxx

>Dude, someone died x months after taking the vaccine, must have been the vaxx
It's hilarious how antivaxxers, who believe themself to have superior critical thinking, can't overcome simple confirmation bias.

Attached: 1648886921998.png (1330x1080, 290.83K)

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Same for "election fraud", Trump announced the fraud before the election to predictively programm his followers to believe in it.

>Dude, someone died x months after catching Covid, must have been a covid death

Yeah remember when antivaxxers complained about that? And now they do the same but 10x more retarded.

Keep gloating.
I'm sure it's going to pan out great for you when the narrative shifts and you are suddenly the enemy after being insufferable faggots for the past 2 years.

Have you even any argument?

funny that pro-vaxxers are always here with excuses

Is that what we're here to do? Argue?

That's not what I'm here to do.
I'm here to tell you how it fucking is, chump. Take it up your ass for all I care. The narrative will shift soon, there will be a lot of chaos and confusion, the media will start barking a new tune, and you faggots are going to look like pretty good targets for being condescending and shitty toward the people on the rising end of the shifting narrative.

Smart people stayed the fuck out of this and didn't get vaccinated.
Then, we haven't been coming here to tell you what we think because smart people don't care if you all kill yourselves.

As a smart person who really doesn't care about much of anything anymore, my advice to anybody would be to be good to eachother.

Because some of us aren't walking around with targets painted on our backs.
But a majority of the people arguing these points have many targets on them that can be exploited by many parties.

it's gonna be fun.
I'm gonna crack open a beer and watch you all dome eachother.
I'd make a 2 weeks joke, but I've always been thinking the real fun won't start for ten years or so.

Yeah yeah inb4 "nothing ever happens."
See that's where you're wrong.
I'm an oldfag and I've seen a LOT of things happen.
Once upon a time in my life, credit scores weren't even a thing.
You probably can't even imagine a world like that.
Because it was very different before stuff started actually happening little by little.

Left and right will die in a mutual chokehold, never seeing that both hands are attached to the same body doing all the choking.

I'm not a part of that body. Adios, fags.

Okay vaxxy. You have been poisoned, to what end?
You know how i have been correct about everything since 2020 and how I warned you all about these events from 2018 when i coined the term
for a plan we came up with to disrupt the globalist timetable? Well allow me to warn you of the danger you are in.
>what was one likely purpose of the injections?
*they provide no protection against infection and having more than 1 injection correlates to a greater likelihood of being infected.
The 2030 plan from the WEF includes half of jobs going to AI by 2030. Think about that for a moment… get it?
There is also a need - stage 4 of a marxist takeover - to get rid of subversive groups which have been used to destabilise society. This generation of vaxxies are not wanted in the brave new world of tomorrow, they serve a purpose and they will endure until that purpose is met but they are not the
>people of tomorrow
they are the subversive tools of yesterday.
It’s hard to get ones head around satanic mumbo jumbo it is all a trick in this case used by billionaire con men but i would not wish to be in your shoes. Death is up by 40% since the injections which were to cure a supposed deadly plague that saw ZERO excess deaths anywhere on the planet in 2020 the year of the ‘great plague’. (A set up).
You will never see television announce the truth, so in your own way you can use msm hypnosis to maintain denial but i think you must realise by now that you made a grave error.
If i can i will help you. But don’t try to maintain denial here. You endanger others. Got it? Stop being evil or you are more likely to die soon/horribly.
I have been working all night or i’d cover more, like vax pox(TM) - a likely result of any further injections of the mRNA non-vaccine.
Now, apologise.

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okay but why the anime girl tho?

>Why are all my friends getting aids?
>Whatever, just fuck my asshole.

>Will you accept a peaceful transition of power?!

And the media did the same for dominion.

Sounds like you can't overcome simple confirmation bias...
Why can't it be the vaccine again? Have you even stopped to consider that it could in some cases?

Ever heard of burden of proof?

The vaccine was basically a scam. Low to inexistent protection, wears out after a few weeks. Zero protection from infection and spread. Non zero risk of side effects some of them major. It's not about the vaccine being rat poison,it's about the vaccine being an unproven ineffective medicine with side effects, it should have never been mandated and recommended to the population with the possible exception of the frail and old

Those excess deaths must be climate change or winter vagina then.

Keep on taking that booster.

>Dude, someone died x months after taking the vaccine, must have been covid
rip bozo

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goes both ways
Last I heard people were claiming it was SAFE and effective....

Why do these faggot shills come here anons? They should be sucking their manager's cock at this time of day.

Their fragile egos can't admit they were fooled, so they post these desperate copes. It's hilarious.

You do not look like this woman. You have dark hair, your hair is a natural dark colour. You are a flesh bag. Not a kawaii caricature. YWNBAW.

troons which they looked like this


>WEF wants to poison and kill us all with jabs
>leaving only dissidents and rebels alive and killing all the sheeple
How do anti-vaxxers explain this simple yet fatal flaw in their logic?

Imagine being as mentally ill as ITT. Do you have medications to take today? Take them. You loonies.
>if we lie enough it will become reality
>yes. And I’m a teapot.
>you have to call me Mrs Spouty now chuuud.
>call it me!
Nope. Never going to happen.
Okay so that i do not feel bad & because you are so fucked up should i tell you how to increase your chances of staying alive? There is one thing that you can easily do. It will dramatically improve your chances. But hey … i dunno whether to bother telling you because you claim that you are not concerned. ???
Hmm… how much will you pay me for a way out I wonder?
Lets have a bread theme while i decide what is best.
Nah i’m not a sick fuck. This will not help with your seroconversion (AIDS symptoms), with the myocarditis or with the cancer… but the correct treatment for covid and the correct preventative measure for covid symptoms which are all caused by blood thickening and blood clotting and WHICH WILL WORK AGAINST THE VAX IN THE SAME WAY is low dose aspirin. How simple is that? Yet they gave you mRNA genetic manipulation. lol. You daftties.
It is great for thinning the blood, stoping clots from starting and helping the body break down clots. Half an aspirin twice a day.
Now. Say
>thank you /pol
I have done more for you than your great mates who injected you AND I DON’T EVEN LIKE YOU. God doesn’t either so i don’t even know why i’d help really. You just sound so stupid it doesn’t feel fair that you are getting used like disposable lab rats.
You are welcome. Kind’a.
Now run along. But don’t actually run, not until you’ve had some aspirin.
And stop denying reality. You might harm others.

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Excess mortality up by 40% since 2021.
You don't count as vaccinated until 14 days (2 weeks!) after your 2nd dose.
You will never be fully vaccinated.
You will never be a woman.
Cope, seethe & dilate.

Attached: mortalityrates.png (768x533, 75.21K)

Wait, so I can get a gojirrallion jabs and still get sick, transmit, so on so fourth?
Huh, wonder why I would take a jab since it fulfills none of the criteria of a vaccine or inoculation.