Oh god he's so fucked. this is not a partisan observation. this is not a personal threat...

oh god he's so fucked. this is not a partisan observation. this is not a personal threat. this is a thread entirely dedicated to the fact that this man has ruined the rest of his life. did he seriously think that obsessive weirdos online would leave him alone after he destroyed their playground, doxxed several, and started gloating? the moment the potato feds are sick of dealing with his shit he'll be back on his own and since he's such an attention whore he'll slip up and reveal his Minecraft cords and start this whole game over. the farms are alive on the danknet and more furious than ever and Any Forums has carried their hate boner. any chud with basic opsec is immune to normie doxxing techniques he's working with. the chances of him getting outright battle royaled by a chud is low but dear god he'll never have peace.

literally never interacted with his account and I'm blocked btw. he's really employing block bots. full Steeve Shives mode

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He didn't ruin shit. Not a single one of his enemies is gonna do anything more than trust the plan and wait 2 more weeks.

>I said the thing! Give me updoots now

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he will kill himself in a few months.
screencap this

Is this fag Jewish? He looks Jewish. Probably how he was able to get it shut down. But yeah I agree, he's fucked forever regardless of whether or not anyone ever does anything to him.

>wasting your breathe on a dude that has a life expectancy less than a black teenager

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>tranny life ruined
>kiwifarms down
did nick just win?

I can't understand why any company gives power to these troops. I guess there are a lot of hyper autistic troons in programming so maybe that's why? Any normal person who sees the way Keffals behave would want to throw him into a volcano.

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>Steeve Shives


What a tranwreck.

>No one does anything
>The tranny wins

>Someone kills the tranny
>The jewish media uses this situation to push for even more tranny acceptance

It seems we can't win this battle.

Because the middle managers that make it happen are hostile cluster B retards like troons, or are just naieve retards.

Just nuke twatter


Nigger, this faggot easily raised over 100k just a few months ago(?)

faggot is going to be comfy for a loooong time and when it runs out, he'll raise another 100k

You're not going to persuade anyone.

Don't even kill the tyranny retard that'll blow up the volcano.

Ooo boy,. someone is gonna do something, I tell ya
> Simply posts like a whining fag

Just wait approximately 3 years until he an heros or dies of the many, many possible diseases his bath-tub macroplastic injections will provide him (and that's if he doesn't get HIV first)

Gosh, you seem upset.

See that’s where I disagree, Keffels needed KiwiFarms, he kicked the hornet’s nest on purpose knowing the autists would leap on him but now with it “gone”, it’s going to be harder to keep relevance and do another grift
He did a good grift but I think without the farms, he’s going to fade into obscurity because who really gives a fuck about some Canadian tranny

Is it safe to say this is GamerGate 2 yet?

>the chances of him getting outright battle royaled by a chud is low
It absolutely is not.

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>did he seriously think that obsessive weirdos online would leave him alone after he destroyed their playground
that's a really good point, obsessive weirdos aren't going to change just because you took out the place where they hangout, or at least made it harder to access
but I don't the the troon cares. seems like he has a personality disorder (go figure) and some personality disorders crave attention and even notoriety. even being harassed and stalked can be exciting for some people


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>block bots
It's just a blocklist. You must follow someone he blacklisted.

lmao. a tranny dunking on pathetic chuds made my morning
thanks op

if gg resulted in Trump, a second dose of this could even go as far as ending our Weimar period

very few people care about your gossiping bullshit moron

That's pay for play dummy. This troon glows like a glownigger glows.

a block list is automated by what user?

I imagine it'll be less intense in terms of numbers but he's more or less concentrated it which could be bad for him

literally nothing happens every time. almost 0% of him getting outright pvp'ed

fair point

Because these people are giving these companies an excuse to do what they already wanted to do. They want people like us completely muzzled on the internet, but they have to do it in such a way that makes them look like they're benevolently dealing with dangerous radicals rather than simply tyrannical going after speech they don't like.

Yes. This is exactly what this is about. IIA I think it's called. It's burger jidf, Rogan,pool,Jones, all of them all glownigger actors to regain complete control of the media narrative. Troons are just the new nigger, don't worry they'll bring them back soon as well. Timing is important.

He's Zoe Quinn all over.

yeah, it's really retarded to do a real run against null when the other tard wranglers at spinoff sites are much more lenient with minecraft grifting
he would had gotten away with it if some other even less lenient but reliable site was around
this guy will have to deal with a lot once the glowniggers are done with him
kf is mostly women and troons, like over 50% of the userbase

well yeah he's ruined the slight filter of intensity that null's farms provided. his name is now going around some more extreme and significantly more serious groups who are now psyched to fuck up a trannies whole life.

Trannies have infinite power.

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Keep harassing this literally who wannabe e-celeb. He clearly needs more publicity to make more money.