Women's true colors exposed in social experiment in Eastern Europe

>"if the grim reaper comes and says "should i take your life or your lover?" who would you choose?"
>All the women say they would gladly sacrifice their lover without hesitation
>All the men would gladly sacrifice themselves so their lover can continue to live

What the fuck is wrong with modern women? What are the political implications that half of the population (women) would gladly sacrifice the other half (men) even if those men are their lovers? If eastern European women act and view men this way I can only imagine what western European and American women think of men.

>inb4 not political
Of course this is political especially since women are seen as equal to men now, hold the same rights/voting rights, but would gladly sacrifice all men to save their own skin.


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Mgtows have already dissected this topic in every which way you could imagine.
Not saying you should go mgtow, just that they have a rich library of woman behaviors documented.


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Another goode

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>What the fuck is wrong with modern women?
They're raised to have a ME ME ME ME ME ME attitude and they don't get their ass beaten enough, either by their parents or their schoolmates. How could they be any different? They convince themselves they're oppressed while being showered in special privileges that they are unwilling to give up in the name of equality.

>Not saying you should go mgtow,

Found the incel chuds. This is you.

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eastern europeans aren't human user, they aren't representative of any kind of western society

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>I have no gas

I guess but have you seen the way men are treated in western society? Do you really believe the women of western society would treat men any better?

unironically yes
have you seen how fucking bleak and shitty eastern europe is? if I was some babushka living in nigeria with snow I probably wouldn't give two fucks about pyotr either

All I'm seeing is agreement, a totally workable arrangement. Men and Women are supposed to feel exactly the way the video depicts. Women aren't supposed to die for Men. The problem isn't that our Women aren't eager to die for us, it's that they take it the self-sacrificing nature of Men for granted instead of appreciating it in a healthy way as Manly virtue.

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>eastern european
it's fucking turk roaches!
but no matter,

Not Slavs in the vid. Some kind of Turkshits in the Balkans or West Asia.

hello fellow turkish man

that is our cross to bear. we are called to die for our women.

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>What the fuck is wrong with modern women?
Lmao imagine thinking this is a modern problem
Women have always been this way

Not tomboys, i don't care

Nice VPN.

so..eastern europe?

>modern women
They've always been like this.
That's why they never had a problem sending their men to war while contributing absolutely nothing except "I'll pray for you!" or dumb shit like that.
They're never truly invested in a relationship like men are. We're just a means to an end for them.

Women should die

This is just basic biology. Do we really have to go over this again?
The grim reaper comes and takes all the men’s souls save one, and leaves all the women. That one man can repopulate the whole village.
If the opposite happens, the population dies out.
Stop demonizing human instinct and promoting dysgenics.

women can make more people.
its been this way for 100,000 years user
men are disposable, we do the dirty work.
sorry you bought into the equality meme

Men are just better liars. If I take this poll I'm saying yes, never know how it might leak. In reality, fuck no.