Is it possible to solve The Nigger Problem?

My solution? Just start calling defenseless niggers what they are. It's liberating. My neighbor is a widowed white mother (the father committed suicide) of two half-black children. They are bad children. When one of them was screaming in the street outside my home, I called him a "bad little nigger" and told him to go inside. The mother was right there and didn't even say anything, she just stood there like a tar-stained niggerfucking cow as her screeching apespawn innocently ran along indoors to torment her and her alone, as things ought to be.

Say it with me

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You are NOT the man. You have NO authority over that women or her noggpets, you CANNOT get rid of her offspring and reimpregnate her.


They won. So how to solve the whiney British / German / Scot-irish Appalachian problem

are those yeezys

Learn from the chinks and throw the problem into the camp, with some luck even a nigger might learn not to cause trouble for humans.

>to torment her and her alone, as things ought to be
Don't let neighbors get away with leaving their niglets and screeching vaccine-damaged autistic tards outside. Send them back to torment the parents, as God intended. No rest for the wicked unfit mothers. Maybe they will snap and drown their dysgenic spawn in the bathtub, then be taken to jail. It's a win/win.

this picture is sums up america so perfectly

> be great nice country on island in europe where no one can go with full-scale war
> become greatest traders on the planet
> created giant empire that stretched all entire the globe
> created american colonies
> brought loads of nigger slaves from africa
> niggers replicates faster than me
> ooops
> what do, dear Any Forums?

anglosphere is a mess

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I wish as many shitskins and trainnies would flood the government in the US, get more rights and lead your country to degradation. It is the only way the normal people in your country would open their eyes and would stop the transformation of the great country into the clown world.

Get chug Buck Breaker on the case.
2min 3 seconds in.

Attached: go be a nigger somewhere else.png (500x522, 159.42K)

>Subhuman calls Americans mutts
ProxyChink strikes again

>call someone the no-no word
>they record it and upload it to the internet
>your life is now cancelled forever

good plan retard

13oz OC17 nigger spray. so for instance this nigger would get a test fog spray to the face. once fallen down a 2 or three second blast in his mouth.

All niggas are gay, they need their gay partner to cuddle and to fuck him in the ass.

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I'm not susceptible to intimidation and my livelihood doesn't depend on the opinions of women, niggers who have a problem can consult my self-defense implement

>realize they cant cancel you traditionally
>get doxxed
>endlessly harassed by troons and groomers

you can't beat them if you say nigger and it gets uploaded. don't do it.

Jesus hates abortion unless the baby is racist.

Imagine being this much of a vagina-having contemptible, cowardly faggot

>cmon... just say the nigger in public
>you won't do shit
oh, you're a glowie. Got it.

That's just what they want you to think. In reality the faggots do nothing but keep acting like faggots. It doesn't matter if you say nigger or any other word. They'll still try to harass you anyways because they're FAGGOTS. They harass everyone, constantly, whenever they can.

All meme'ing aside the cold hard truth is we desperately need to bring back eugenics to weed out the bad stock to fix the current desperate situation society is in.

As hard as it is to believe there are genuinely good black people with normal levels of intelligence and 0 criminal records who want nothing to do with the bad stock.

Repairing the damage of so much bad stock being mixed in with all the good stock will take time. A couple generations at least but the longer we wait the worse the problems will become. Not just regarding the black race but all races in general.

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