IT'S OVER, GoldBERG has spoken

IT'S OVER, GoldBERG has spoken.

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Oh look the jews have dragged out their pet nigger

Shut the fuck up and pour me another drink Guinan

no eyebrows


what jew sits behind this nigger?

she sounds an expert and credible what did she say
about other events in history like the holocaust?

oy vey

Kek member when she had to apologize for calling Jews white not too long ago?

the bitches on that show have to apologize to the kikes twice per year at least


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she only chose that name because it sounded jewish

Yeah this will work. like I don't care, it's shit. Racist this racist that. It literally means nothing. We have a right to our cultures, values, and history and this fucking baboon can stuff it up her ass. Fuck it.

Didn't really care that Corlys from HotD was cast as a black man. Other than the ridiculous looking white dreads that look like cheap walmart yarn, didn't really detract from the story.

As for de lawd of dem rangs... Christ, they really went all out with SJW wokefest. Nearly every white male character was portrayed as dumb, racist and/or violent, 2 outta 3 at minimum. At this point, it might as well be considered Tokein fanfic written by some nonbinary panqueer antifa faggot

I have been away from Any Forums for 2 years. Today's my first day back. I am glad to see such immediate associations being drawn. You lads give me hope, I mean it.

>are you telling me black people can't be hobbits
correct nor can they be naval soldiers considering the fact they can't sail or swim in real life either

Fat afrokike is afrokiking. Ignore and say “fuck niggers”.


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>Token: the series

Anything that isn't a Rh- White is a gentile.

nigga fatigue ZZzzzz

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lol the older she looks the more she looks like beatlejuice, another pet nigger for howard stern.

i guess im a nose, too bad

using her logic we should push to have more black actors in holocaust movies

Thing is Woopie most people don't like looking at niggers. That's why lotr was so popular. It didn't have niggers which made it special and beloved. Now it's ruined. Cause there's niggers in it.

>Are you telling me Black people can't be fake people too?
Whoopi, black people are already fake people in real life
You and your kind will never be real people.