Is famous Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker become politically based?

Is famous Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker become politically based?

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its Thomas Gottschalk

no. materialism till the end. even after you realize you are a spiritual being having a human experience. chose to be a rock. so a rock it is.

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Enlightenment Now!


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I don't know who that is, but he looks like a jew neanderthal


Also, don't act like them.

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He's not the worst kike, but keep in mind he IS a kike


Idk who that is but they're jewish. The really bad kind. Look at the eyes and nose.

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he is an anti-white kike who wants the genocide, subjugation, and humiliation of all whites. Fuck him and fuck you too.

No he is extremy cringe liberal. He is the intellectual representation of globohomo.


anyone who hangs out with Epstein is cool in my book

that's the most jewish photo i have ever seen

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Jeffery Epstein's whore Virginia Roberts (the one who fucked Prince Andy), stated in her deposition that when she was 17, she had sex with a "Harvard Professor named Stephen [REDACTED]" who had hair like a mad scientist.
Steven Pinker is a known visitor to Pedo Island.

No. He's an Epstein involved Jew who's job is literally to write academic defenses of globohomo. Everything else he produces is just smokescreen.

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