I hate people who love him

But I also hate people that hate him for the wrong reasons.

I hate him for the right reasons.

Fuck this guy. But wtf, you cannot like him - but if you hate on him the way the system wants you to hate him - thats not good either.

What a fucking cunt, honestly

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Believe me you're not the only one.

Still voting for Trump lol

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weak nlp

>if you hate on him the way the system wants you to hate him - thats not good either
At the end of the day, does it really matter?

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>same shit

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vote for broccoli Trannys wife

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You’re a faggot, the system hates him and you hate him therefore you’re doing the work of the system.

its a trick leftists play. they attack him on a personal level so you are forced to defend him on a personal level as if hes your buddy but ive never cared about him on a personal level i just care about policies.

Best American president ever
Loves America and Americans
Not a puppet
First thing he did was get rid of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty because it was bad for American people, pissing off all (((globalists)))
Not controlled opposition




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You are trying so hard to be edgy, but you also want to be safe. This is the most nitwitted post I've ever seen. Pick a side faggot, and take your meds.

You are just full of hate. The world would be a better place if you just killed yourself.

Sounds like an American paradox.

>ive never cared about him on a personal level i just care about policies
It’s arguably much easier to defend Trump on a personal level imo. A lot of his policies were straight-up indefensible (e.g. The First Step Act, The Platinum Plan, etc.)

I don’t even particularly like Trump for his politics or personality, I only support him because he infuriates all the groups I hate.

It was for a joke at first. But its not a joke anymore. We really are dealing with demons

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That's why I love him.

If big Mike runs I will be out campaigning. He is the chaos candidate.