Why are American drivers so angry all the time?

Hi user, i'm 23 and i've been driving since i was 15 almost every single day. Over the years I've noticed that drivers seem more pissed now. Just a few weeks ago I was stuck behind 2 cars that were brake checking each other and throwing things at each others cars.

Even when i go 5-8 mph over I still have somebody riding my ass, or trying to illegally pass me. Rich kids in fast cars getting into wrecks because of showboating seem way more common now. Street takeovers etc. What's going on here? How do we punish people that make the road a pain in the ass. Cars are not toys!!

Attached: eightbitsoy.jpg (900x900, 93.24K)

They’re in a rush going to a miss appointment thinking that their time is better. Plus when you’re trying to overtaking they would suddenly increase their speed because they are impotent too.

That only happens when you’re ungrateful.

I stay the fuck away from retards on the road. I drive as if everybody else on the road is a drooling retard (true btw)

Vaccine brain fog. Enjoy your red buck

Attached: red deer.jpg (633x458, 74.4K)

Also you drive like a fag

Why did you post 8bitvic?

Symptome Problem Nr283773838383

I think overtaking is dangerous and should really only be done in a emergency or if a car is going like 10+ under the limit. Illegal passes should result in a revoked license, no second chances! we need more heavy handed traffic laws and no fines under 10 grand period.


>illegally pass me
just get the fuck out of the left lane, it's not for you

3 lanes of slow asses for miles and one lane of an asshole barely going over the speed limit and everything is a dumpy fucking exaggerated van.

yea that's not what i'm talking about "bruh" I'm talking about people passing on a double yellow on a curved road with medium traffic. Come back when you can buy a beer legally

holy fuck dude that literally only happens if you drive below granny tier you need to do some introspection bruh

>filename is 8bitsoi
You're right tho, the guy is apparently unfindable on the internet now.

What are the political implications of throwing a crowbar at somebody's window when they yell at me while i'm on the sidewalk?

Thr injections. I've noticed a huge rise in a driving compilation channel I watch. It used to be 3 or 4 uploads a week, now it's daily since this started. I'm sure they have a backlog too.

>How do we punish people that make the road a pain in the ass.

play the rock game. you take a hand full of gravel or small river stones and drop it out of your window while driving on the interstate. then avoid that stretch for a while. do not do it where you need to drive often

ruin days and end lives bro. you dont even have to be there when shit goes down. 75 on the interstate and clack your windshield is now cracked think fast

Nope, I've been illegally passed a couple of times lately. I go speed limit+5 sometimes a full 10 over. People are fucjing insane and want to kill themselves and murder others.

i doubt you could throw a crowbar that far


Yeah, sounds to me like your some fag driving at least 10 under the speed limit then.

No, you just underestimate my speed.

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